The pain is still there, just hidden deep inside. When we broke up, I thought about if I could be happy without him and I couldn't even force it in my mind. No scenario could have been created and no matter how many times I tried to write out a list of things that could change without him, I couldn't. I wouldn't be where I am without him. Maybe I would, but I don't think anyone could have been capable of doing what Harry did, and Alan knows that. He know's how much I love Harry. He knows how much he means to me and I have a feeling that this little phase he's going through is because of my mom's pregnancy. I think all of the stress and emotions have gone to his head but once the baby is born, he won't need to worry about me anymore . He'll have a more important life to look after, one of his own blood and I'll be the least of his worries. So whatever it is he's going through, I'm almost positive it'll go away. He can hate Harry for now, I can't change it at the moment, but it'll hit him how important he is to him and how much Harry needs someone like him in his life. And if he doesn't realize that, it'll honestly be a sad and tragic ending to a great and rare friendship I don't think either of them could ever find again.

Once again, I'm paralyzed due to my thoughts and the ring tone I really need to change blares once more bringing me back to reality. Harry shifts in place, groaning and pulling his brows together as the sudden sound turns to mute and he falls back asleep. I answer it quick enough to keep him that way and just as I hoped not, Alan's sour tone calls my name.

"Aleevonne!?" he growls clearly angry. I attempt to remove myself from Harry but the weight of his arms and legs are holding me down.

"Yeah.." I groan. I carefully grab Harry's wrist, and with a steady hand I lift it from around my stomach and slide off the bed. He rolls on his stomach and subconsciously grabs my pillow and pulls it down below his chest, hugging it against his face. His bare back is exposed and to prevent him for waking due to the cold, I pull the blanket over him and allow him to sleep at ease. Alan's bitter tone fills my ears and I've taught myself how to block him out. I tip toe out the room and into the bathroom, him still yelling in my ear about how irresponsible and selfish I am and it's beginning to trigger me.

"Alright, well I'll talk to you later." my nonchalant tone causes him to stop talking but I've honestly heard enough. He's been on the line for nearly thirty seconds and he has told me everything that is wrong with me, from beginning to end with no gaps or breaths. He's really not a morning person, I see.

"Aleevonne, get home. Now." his voice holds threat and the seriousness he's trying to hold almost makes me want to laugh.

"And if I don't?" I grab the mouth wash and hold the phone between my ear and shoulder because none of this is actually bothering me. He's just repeating himself and it's the same old shit.

"You know what?" I hear keys rattling in the background and my mom's voice, "I'm coming to pick you up right now and don't even think about leaving with him before I get there." with that, he rudely hangs up and the weight of the world returns back on my shoulders.

I look at myself in the mirror and see a weak, frail girl and 'stress' is written all over my face. I splash cold water on it a few times and it feels amazing. I keep my eyes closed and grab the towel to dry my face and when I look up, Harry's standing in the door frame, shirtless with his hair messy and eyes narrowed from the light, lips pouted into a deep red and a small giggle slips my mouth.

"You're leaving?" his voice is gruff and he's trying his best not to fall over. My house is only ten minutes away so Alan should be here soon.

"Yeah," I frown picking my phone off the counter and leaning against it. Harry sluggishly walks to me and takes it from my hands as I'm looking through it and places it back down. His morning breath is killing me, but I can manage, "he'll be here any minute."

Pain: Her (Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now