:Special: Shattered Glass 1

Start from the beginning

"Well they need to be ready in case Hatchet appears! That sadistic fragger would have a hay day experimenting on these two."

"E-experiments?" Raf stuttered.

"Oh good job Frenzy."

"Shut up!"




"Whats going on?" Raf whispered to Mika who was frowning as they looked around the Decepticon warship.

"I'm not sure." She murmured, then turning to Raf, she whispered for his ears only. "For now we play stupid. We need to asses our situation here.


During their small conversation, Megatronus and the others appear with wounds, the former of the listed watching the humans curiously. "Are you well?" He asked them.

"Uh... yeah... we're fine."

"I am glad... though now that you have been exposed a proper introduction is needed... and information. I am Megatronus, leader of the Decepticons and we are Autonomous robotic life forms from the planet Cybertron."

Mika frowned before sharing a look with Raf, De Ja Vu.

"This is my Medic, Knockout."

"Sup?" Knockout gave a grin and a thumbs up. His once red frame was now a beautiful shade of blue and a scar was slashed over his right eye, though he didn't seemed so freaked out about it. It was like he was bearing it with pride.

"My Second in command, Starscream."

"The eldest of the two seems afraid of us." Starscream observed, his gaze feeling disturbing to Mika. "We are making her nervous."

"We will not harm you." Megatronus promised.

Though if you were to ask Mika, the change in how the bots were all acting was severely throwing her off and making her highly anxious. "Who were those... others?"

"I was afraid you would ask." Megatronus replied gravely, "First and foremost, the one I was fighting, Leader of the Autobots, is Nemesis Prime. Though, before he was renamed, he was a Librarian by the name Optronix. He was a shifty bot who cheated his way up Cybertronian society. He specialized in lying, giving false pretenses even tricking the Primes into thinking he would make a good Prime. Once he was within the proper power to do so he had been named Optimus Prime. Though after being Prime for a time, he changed and his true colors showed."

Mika shivered, she didn't like where this was going...

"He was a dark and sadistic mech who wanted nothing more then the destruction and domination of all around him and so, using his power, he raised an army of war loving bots and thus the Autobots were born and he renamed himself Nemesis Prime. Now known to all Cybertronian as a Fallen."

"Over time his madness took over him, and he became unpredictable in his actions. Sadistic and blood thirsty." The Arachnid look alike commented next as she pulled out a glowing blue cube of some sort of metal container. "He is completely unhinged, taking out his random spouts of anger even on his most loyal of followers."

"Our warrior, Arachnid." Megatronis filled the two in.

"Hello." The spider femme spoke warmly as she very elegantly sipped upon a cube of energon.

"Then there's Arcee." The Dreadwing look a like spoke next. "A very unpredictable femme who is rather unsettling in her madness. She fights like a rag doll brought to life, legs and arms always spinning wildly when she is not firing at you with her neutronic crossbow. Loves the sound of battle and apparently the dark voices within her head."

Transformers Prime; The Unwanted. (RatchetxOc)Where stories live. Discover now