Chapter One.

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“you shall find out your results in about a week. Best of luck to you all. Have a nice summer, good luck for your future. For the last time, Class dismissed.” The stout, greying man dismissed us all. My PhD course in psychology has now officially finished “Miss Jones, may I see you a moment?” watching as everyone filed out of the lecture hall, I slowly rose to my feet and approached my lecturer.

“Yes Mr Roberts?” I stood in front of the large oak desk that was in front of the large whiteboard that was covered in black scribbles.

“Now, I am only saying this because I think it is about time you got a life. This is your third doctorate, I really think that you should calm down and enjoy your life, you are what? Twenty-five? Get a job, get a life.” John faced me and leant on the desk in front of me.

smiling I laughed back “I have a life!”

“No Sam, you don’t. Your life revolves around work.”

“I just think you are a great teacher is all.”

“No, you want to prove to your dad that you are smart, that’s all.”   

“Oh come on, John don’t pull that with me.” I sighed as I grabbed a white board rubber and walked over to the scribbles. “You know that’s not the reason.”

“No, that is exactly the reason, don’t forget, I’ve known you since you were five.” John exhaled audibly.

“I know you’ve known me for years but you still don’t know the reason.”

“Tell me the reason then.”

“No, you are the psychology lecturer, you tell me.” I handed him back the rubber.

“I know the reason, and I also know you well enough to know that you are stubborn and you’ll never admit that I’m right. I’m going to make it easier for you. If you really feel the need to do a fourth PhD, then you will be going it completely alone.”

“Huh? What do you mean? You have been with me for years helping me!” I could feel my eyes widen at this new information.

“Yes, that’s true and I will always be nearby if you need someone to talk to, but I think it’s time I retired.”

“No, you can’t retire, who will help me in University? You aren’t old enough to retire!”

“Sam, I’m sixty, I need to slow down” John chuckled as he sat down on a chair facing the desk.

“But, but…” I walked towards him, not believing my ears, this man has been my tutor for years, he didn’t teach me my Chemistry PhD or my Forensic Science PhD but he has helped me survive College. Being originally Welsh, it took me a while to be able speak without rolling my R’s or for me to speak a sentence without having to repeat it three times for others to understand me. Being pale and a redhead, no one liked me but I kept to myself and studied hard meaning that I completed my PhD’s top of my class.

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