148 - A Joint Resolution Part Two

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Gemma's phone rang again and she picked it straight up.

"You've spotted her near the nurse's flat. Right. Yes, all on board. Is everyone in place? Let's get this show on the road so Theodora get's her just deserves." said Gemma as she turned to me.

"What now? What about my baby?" I asked in alarm.

"Athina, we can't let her slip out of the net now. We have to strike whilst the iron is hot. I have plenty of support people with me. There is nowhere safer than with us I can assure you. If we don't act now, she will escape and we may never get another chance if she gets out of the country. She is in our sights and she will be behind bars tonight but only if we go now." Gemma said forcefully.

"I'm in," I said not feeling any joy but knowing I would feel relief to get it over and done with.

"I want to leave my daughter with my friend who is still waiting in your van, before we go, I will feel she is safer out of Theodora's prying eyes."

Gemma looked confused, as her brows merged together and her eyes looked downward at me. "You want to leave your baby with a man? Surely you can't be serious?"

"I'm very serious, my friend is more than capable of looking after my daughter and he is someone I trust. He's very capable. It's not negotiable," I said staring at her full on.

"Anyway, your men in suits don't looked exactly dressed and trained to change diapers?" I added ruefully.

"My staff can do just about anything. Nothing and I mean nothing, fazes then. But as you wish," said Gemma, as she looked at me with her eyebrows raised and eyes widened.

I kept focussed on Jarod's mother whilst holding my daughter securely and lowering into the pram and making sure she was strapped in, ready to go.

"Ahh, hold a sec, they have a visual of her. Team, make sure the whole area is secure and on lock down, I don't want any slip ups," said Gemma as she urged me to grab the pram, as we exited the café. All the time, she had one eye on her screen.

"Team, we're on our way! Secure the perimeter and await my instructions," said Gemma as she, guided me towards the van that held Tony.

I crossed my fingers, concealing it from public view. Hopefully, Tony wouldn't squirm at the thought of watching the baby for me; I trusted that even without any experience he would step up to the mark as was his irk.

Tony often looked after Sophia with ease, despite no previous parental experience; but she was way past the nappy stage. However, a baby was a slightly different matter. Still, I consoled myself that Emily should be home by lunchtime, so Tony would be able to cope for an hour or so. I hoped so, as what choice did I have in the circumstances.

"We're going to get that bitch and she's going to pay for what's she done," said Gemma, the tone of her voice making me feel uneasy making my stomach churn.

As I turned to look at her, I noticed her eyes had turned an inky black when they met mine, as she uttered the words.

"There is more than one way, to right a wrong!"

Edit 6- PAL 18/06/2017

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No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any forms or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission by the author.Many thanks Kimberley S B Lieb

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