2 - Followed by a Shadow

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I hear a noise.

In and out.

In and out.

I try to keep myself from gasping and cover my mouth with my hand. I bite on my hand between my thumb and finger. Did he hear me? Will he kill me?

I clench my eyes shut. If I see nothing, he will not see me.

The sound of a metal crashes to the floor, followed by a distorted clang, makes me jump and I try to pull myself deeper into the alcove. Just as I do so, I make out the shape of a dustbin lid as lands in the road, followed by a cat's meow and wail. I breathe a little easier that the culprit appears to be feline I tell myself to stop panicking.

I try to distract myself, so my thoughts turn to Jarod. The man I love. Flawed. Difficult. Very passionate. A touch chauvinistic, but thoughtful too. Possessive. A sigh escapes my dry lips. Even just the thought of him makes me want him, as I run my tongue along my lips. Even now!

Who would follow me? The only person who knows when I left the hotel was Jarod! Now I was being crazy!

Whatever made me consider him? He would be the last person in the world who would hurt me and anyway the assailant seemed a smaller build for a start.

Who else would want to harm me? There was no one!

Well, someone does. Maybe it's just a case of wrong place, at the wrong time!

Feeling safe I inhale deeply, letting my lungs fill with air. It feels so good to breathe easily. For the moment I perceive the danger has elapsed in my alcove haven.

I ease myself out of my awkward position within the doorway and step forward. Carefully I look from side to side, my heart paces a little easier when I discover the coast looks clear. Cautiousness however, makes me delay leaving and to wait a little longer, just in case.

As times ticks on, my foot moves back and forth, as I deliberate if I should leave or stay within the confines of the doorway. If only I could beamed back home instantly.

I take a deep breath in, hold it in and release, which somehow gives me a little confidence. With a handful of courage I know it's now or never. I cannot stay here forever! I place one foot in front of the other until I am out of the doorway and out of the shadows.

My mouth and throat feel like sandpaper as gasp escapes my throat and my body shakes. He stands there, blocking my path in front of the alcove. There is no escape. The only way out is through him! The hood of his jacket conceals the upper part of his face and features. All I can see are his surly lips.

With absolute venom a voice sneers at me, "So, who do we have here then? You didn't think I was that easy to get rid of. Did you?"

Fear runs down my back like an ice cold chill and fills my mouth with a harsh metallic taste.

There is something about that voice I recognise. Yet I cannot place it. It is hard to distinguish, as though they are disguising it on purpose.

The assailant's gloved hands move in the air, as he plays with the knife. It gleams. All I can see, is the moonlight catching the jagged edge, as he advances towards me!

I am not ready to die.

Anger rises inside me and the bitter taste intensifies in my mouth as I ready myself to push my way free.

My body won't stop shaking all over and the urge to wet myself is close at hand. My options are to be a sitting duck or break free.

I try push hard in the opposite direction to the knife and have nothing to use as a weapon but my body. Forcing pressure, I use the strength of my arms against him trying to keep my hands concealed. Elbowing him like a ram. I feel a woman's breasts as I try to push my way pass. It isn't a MAN! The shock discovery puts me off guard and I don't make much headway.

Now on my second attempt, I am more evenly matched and I go at her again more confident. I push harder than before, putting my arm up in front of my face to protect me. Trying with the other hand to grab the knife. I gasp. The knife slashes and cry out. My arm has a deep cut and blood spills onto the pavement.

The woman loses her balance and falls to the ground. Then the blade drops sharply from her grasp bouncing, before making a clanging noise as it falls onto the pavement. Her hands cower as she pulls her hood downwards.

Jubilantly I kick her. Not being of sound mind, I initially use my injured foot to inflict my torment. Then I come to my senses and swap my good foot to kick her.

Again and harder.

Kicking with all my force and with more aggression.

I don't stop.

"You bitch!" I scream.

I release all my pent up anger upon her. How dare she intimidate me? How dare she hurt me?

Momentarily, I catch my breath.

The assailant grabs her chance to escape. Her hood starts to fall back off her face as she gets up. I glimpse a face that isn't real. The woman frantically tries to conceal her features. Faltering in confusion, I let her go in error. My reactions are too slow to stop my attacker running in the opposite direction.

The knife remains on the pavement and I walk over and bend down to pick it up. My blood is on the blade. I take off my jacket and place it inside its folds to conceal it. For reasons, I cannot explain, I want to take it with me.

As I about turn, at a fast pace down Lime Street, I hear the distinctive engine sound of a London Taxi approaching and I finding myself gravitating towards the welcome music; walking faster and faster. Before me is an actual taxi and the vacant light blinking at me. The relief is unimaginable. There is no way I am not getting into that cab. I flag down the driver like a woman possessed until he pulls over. The euphoria of relief as I close the car door, as I sit down, is insurmountable.

"Please, drive now. I've been attacked," I shout out in a panic holding onto the door handle in fear it will re-open.

The cab driver; looks unsure and as I look back, I see a shadowy figure outlined on the pavement, highlighted from the street light, moving towards me.

I gasp, "Go! Now! Please I beg you!" I urge in a panic, "Lock the doors," I scream, as a sick feeling fills my stomach.

The driver didn't ask questions as the wheels squealed at speed, away from London.

Edit 8- Feb 2017 - (P)(L)(A)


If you liked this chapter please do vote (please hit the star) and if you have time to comment that would mean so much to me, as your feedback inspires me to keep writing and your helpful critique is greatly appreciated as I learn and grow on my journey as a writer.

No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any forms or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission by the author. Many thanks Kimberley S B Lieb

I have dedicated this chapter to the man who always makes me laugh with his crazy banter and has an amazing writing talent and quickness of wit and this chapter will appeal to him.

Will the real Shaun Allan stand up!  Here's one of them ShaunAllan he has a friend called #Sin whose has an interesting view point of life and if you fancy the challenge of reading his book, you will see why it got a Watty this year :-) check out my review too of his book that takes you into Sin's inner thoughts.

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