18 - Say it with Flowers

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I felt tired and limbs felt heavy as I left the station and traipsed up the hill home. It wasn't a moment too soon, when I thankfully put my key in the door. I only had a small place, but it was all mine. Although, Jarod kept suggesting our long term plans together, we had only been together a few months and I was cautious. This was the first place I had ever owned and I was determined to make it last, for as long as I could and savor being the queen of my very own castle for at least a while.

I shut the door behind me then locked it and kicked off my shoes. My phone flashed a message. Jarod had sent a text enquiring if I had arrived home safely.

Jarod hated a change in our routine and when he was away we spoke around eight in the evening and I had never missed a call. I sent him a text back stating that the trains had been delayed so had only just got in and was going straight to bed as I was so tired.

Then I switched my phone to silent, put it on charge and unplugged the landline. It took no time to get changed, before I slipped under the covers and was asleep within moments.

It seemed only a few minutes ago, my head had touched the pillow before I awoke to the door ringing, knocking and shouting. Groggily, I opened the door, surely it couldn't be Jarod, he never came here. My eyes widened in utter surprise as I pulled the door open to reveal the caller.

"Hello, Esme, what are you doing here?" I inquired. It was Jarod's assistant.

"He was worried, when you didn't answer," Esme responded, a little ill at ease.

Disgruntled at the explanation, I said, "God, can't someone have a lie in for once, I sent him a text last night"

Esme squirmed a little as Esme smiled rather embarrassed, "well, you know Jarod, he can be a little impatient!"

I wasn't best pleased and angry as I responded, "well, as you can see, I've just got up! Sorry, I know it's not your fault. Can I offer you a cup of coffee or anything?"

She shook her head, "thank you, but I better get going, my boyfriend's waiting for me outside, we are going out for the day," Esme explained.

I nodded, "Yes of course, enjoy your weekend."

As I shut my front door, my phone rang. I could see it was Jarod and was irritated. It felt so intrusive. If the boot was on the other foot.....Hmm. I ignored him going straight into the bathroom to run a bath full of bubbles and then slid into heaven.

It was late morning approaching midday when I sent a text to Jarod explaining that I felt so embarrassed with Esme being dispatched on her day off to check on me as he was away, denied a lay in and what oh earth was his problem?

I felt it was unnecessary and over the top and then I received a text by return saying, "sorry".

Later the doorbell chimed and I groaned upon opening it. The poor delivery man could barely cope with the size of the bouquet he was holding. Typical, Jarod. Always flowers to smooth things over.

The card that accompanied was strewn with flowery apologies calling me precious and a an aray of compliments, showing his aptitude with words.

It took time to put all the flowers into water. My flat resembled a florist in the midst of a flower show, as I filled every vase or jug I possessed. An aroma of Sweetpeas and Jasmin invaded my senses.

It was difficult to stay annoyed at him for long and he made me feel loved and special and I thanked him by text for the flowers adding my love with an xxxAxxx our special code.

Within moments of my message being sent, my mobile rang.

"Hello Jarod."

"I'm so pleased you like the flowers, Athina," he said, his voice husky and sexy, I closed my eyes and I could almost imagine him kissing my neck. Delicious.


"I'm here, sorry. I still feel tired," I responded.

"When I get back from my trip, why don't you move in. You will be less tired. In fact, you can move in whilst I'm away if you like. I don't mind. Just get rid of your flat. You aren't there that much anyway, so what's the point in keeping it."

I grated my teeth and took an intake of breath, here we go again, "Jarod, I love my flat and what's the rush? It's only been a few months. I know I'm new to relationships but it's just too quick for me. I'm not saying 'No' I'm just saying, I'm not ready yet'"

"Darling, I just don't understand you. It seems madness for you to commute, when my flat at the Barbican you can walk to work. We would have so much more time together," said Jarod, I could sense the irration rising in his tone, but suspected that he was trying to reign it in.

"No Jarod, your place is a bit of a bachelor pad, it doesn't feel like home, not like my place does," I responded.

"Well we change that, it's only stuff," said Jarod.

"Okay, so are you saying I can bring everything I want and throw your stuff out then?"

A long silence followed by a sigh.

"As I thought, it's only on your terms. So for now. It's a no," I said.

"I'm not saying you can't change the furniture, just that I can't cope with your bright colours," said Jarod.

"I'm not living with you for now and I'm not living in a black and white office house either," I responded.

"Well think about it. As it's safer for you to stay at mine, there is security at reception and be easier when I am away," he continued.

"Jarod, leave it for now, please. I'm not saying never, I am just saying not right now."

Before he kept on, I said I had to go. I had been through this scenario before, I knew the routine well. Each time I said no, he seemed to become increasingly needy, creating more reasons why I should do as he asked. It became rather wearing.

I hadn't heard a word from Emily. I had no way to contact her and the time was fast approaching when I was meant to meet her again.

Sometimes, I wondered would I ever see her again. Or did I just dream it and it never happened?

English Spellings: Axe/Socialise

Edit 5 - PALH - 3/11/2017

English Spellings: Axe/Socialise


Many thanks Kimberley S B Lieb

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