5 - The Girl Who Followed

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Emily still stood there, not making any effort to move, despite the cold and the temperature dropping. Her companion was becoming more and more exasperated at the lack of progress.

"Emily! I'll be waiting at the café but I won't wait longer than an hour, if you haven't starting talking to her. I have the rest of my family to get back to."

The older woman appeared irritated as she made an odd facial expression, before smiling at Emily who kept looking downwards on the tiled floor in time wasting hesitation. The woman took her hand and gently turned her face towards her as she softly spoke to encourage her, one last time.

"Take a leap of faith and see what happens. What is the worst thing now that could happen? What have you got to lose? "I'll see you later, okay?" said the woman.

Emily nodded. "Thanks Denise and thank you for everything," said Emily.

"You're welcome, always. Now, I'm going to put this scarf on okay, just so you know it's me. If we should be spotted, people are less likely to think we together if I am wearing this," said Denise.

Emily looked at her with wide eyes. "Can't you come with me Denise?"

"No Emily, maybe this is over kill, but I don't believe in putting all your eggs in one basket. Sometimes it is better to appear to be alone, than to show you have family support. Don't reveal everything at once. Not yet, please. There is a lot at stake here," said Denise.

Emily nodded her agreement, as Denise, carried on putting the scarf over her hair.

"A remnant from one of my mother-in-law visits," said Denise, looking at Emily, who responded with an ironic smile.

"Look, its respect, I knew what was I getting into when I married my husband," Denise said with a soft smile.

"I wouldn't," Emily said with an indignant look.

"You would if you loved your Husband as I do. You are young. With age and wrinkles comes a little wisdom," laughed Denise.

"Look, Emily, I only wear it if his family is over, and other men are in the house, or I go out," said Denise. "You know, it's really such a little thing, to make the family happy. My husband is worth it."

Emily shrugged her shoulders, not understanding. Denise sighed, "It's called love," as she kissed her on the cheek.

"Look, I know you think I am going over the top with the disguise, but let's face it, you are alone here at the moment, and I'm only in the UK temporarily. Until we move back in a couple of months, I think caution is advisable," said Denise.

"Okay," Emily responded and accepted one final kiss on the cheek from her relative, before they parted their ways.

With one last glance, Denise threw a scarf over her head, with a surprise expertise, stopping at a shop window, using the reflection to attach a pin and secure it. Neither of them looked back again.

Emily turned to walk in the opposite direction as she spotted the girl she was seeking. Then she waited a few minutes, as Athina halted a short distance in front.

Emily, tried not to walk too close so as not to be obvious and wanting to observe Athina a little longer before she plucked up the courage to talk to her. She started to feel nauseous and bit her nails.

As she noticed Athina turn round, Emily attempted to blend into the crowd by looking up at the train bulletin board checking departure times, trying to look like an ordinary commuter. Emily hoped she would pick the right time to speak to her. It had to be today and soon. Denise's patience was running out and she didn't blame her.

Emily took a deep breath and carried on following Athina, biding her time for the right moment. As Athina stopped to look at an items for sale in a shop window, Emily pulled out her phone and looked at her one and only precious picture. Her thoughts were mixed with sadness and joy; If she ever wanted a chance to have more than this, she needed to go through with this.

"I love you," she whispered and kissed the screen on her phone. Emily wiped a tear that was forming in the corner of each eye, taking a further deep breath, as she closed her screen.

Emily looked up, where had Athina gone? She mustn't get distracted. Turning in each direction, she looked to see where she could be. Emily couldn't see her anywhere! Her heart beat faster and faster. Then she felt her throat go dry and her body sweat as she walked at a fast pace. As she reached the last shop, Emily caught sight of Athina exiting a book shop. A sigh of relief escaped Emily's lips and she felt her heart beat a little slower.

Realising how important it was to keep focussed and not have any more slip ups, Emily continued to keep Athina in sight.

Her heart felt heavy but Emily knew her agenda was more important. She needed to do this, for more reasons than one.

Emily had seen the other side of Jarod and thought he had been a knight in shining armour. In truth, she had everything Jarod wanted and he had taken it all without a backward glance. Jarod was a wolf in a sheep's clothing.

She was under no illusion that Jarod would do the same to Athina. Emily needed to talk to her and it was the only chance she had. Athina was the only possible weak link in the chain and her only way in. Emily consoled herself her reasons were not entirely selfish and she was trying to save Athina the same fate, if she could make her listen.

Emily walked forward, with purpose; she must sow the seed, which planted doubts.    

 Edit 11 May 2017 -PALH

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No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any forms or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission by the author. Many thanks Kimberley S B Lieb

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