Chapter 30: Almost

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"That's good!" I exclaimed happily, too happily that Natsu gave me a confused looked. As if he's saying 'What's so good about getting beat up by Erza?!'

Not the impression I wanted to get...

"No, I mean, it's good that you don't have any broken bones!" I explained.


Finally! So then we exited the elavator but this time I didn't drag him, we walked until we reached our room.

And let me tell your our room is a mess. But surprisingly, the door is fixed? What?

There wasn't much talking and it made me uncomfortable, well uneasy.

He sat in our bed, and I went to get the first aid kit, I got enough of the silence and decided to break it.

"You know I found it funny that they thought you were 'cheating' on me," I said with a chuckle.

He laughed too, which made me really happy.

"Now that you say that, the still have no idea what you look like without the nerd outfit!" He exclaimed, slightly still laughing.

"Oh my God! Yes! Not even the girls know!" I exasperated, giggling.

"Should we tell them?" I asked, wondering.

"They'll figure it out, maybe," He said chuckling.

"Yeah, let's just let it flow, and wait till they get it, or atleast get a hint." I laughed.

"The girls know that I'm the heir but they actually don't know what I look like without the updo!" I reminded, damn we're sly.

"And the guys are completely clueless!" He exclaimed.

"Welp, they'll be suprised." I replied grinning.

I opened the first aid kit and observed him, not checking him out,  I'm observing him, okay?

He had a few cuts, and a fairly-small bruise that formed in his cheeks, and his tan skin was really damn fit! And that jawline is just to die for!

WAIT! What the heck are you doing Lucy?!

"I know what you're doing.~ You're checking him out?~ Observing him? Puh-lease!"

Conscience, can you just shut up?

" I don't know can you stop checking Natsu out?"

Whatever. I thought as I groaned mentally.

"Earth to Lucy!" I hear Natsu say as he waved his hand infront of me.

"I'm here!" I squealed, startled.

"What got you distracted? Don't tell me you were-" Quickly knowing what he was gonna say next, sponsored by the smirk on his face, I cut him off.

"Nope, I was definitely not! I was just thinking! Thinking many ice cubes I need for your bruise! Yes! That's what I was thinking about!" Close call. Nice save Lucy!

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