tiem for some fuckin excuse bullshit

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lol i'm a cunt bag and haven't updated in what feels like forever


i've got 5 really shitty excuses who's ready for a bag o' bullshit

1. new gorillaz album had me shook as f u c k i can't do anything akdkwosmwp

2. breakup which was kinda sad but i'm all good now m'boi's

3. school is a lil' bitch and gives me assignments and tests all the time

4. i have band every weekend for the next three months which completely obliterates majority of my free time

5. i'm just real fucking lazy and i'm starting to slowly get detached from the phandom bUT I'M DOING MY BEST SHH

so yeah look at me being a little bitch and trying to find dumb fuckin excuses to save my ass from ya'll

not that you'd ever hurt me


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