A Love That Won't End 1

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Ever experience love at first sight? Well most people say it isn't real. It isn't humane. It is something that people came up and pasted on into a fairytail book. It is something that was read to children for bedtime to ensure that their dreams would be pleasant and sweet. It is pure. Purely Fictional.

But, no. I trust and encored myself into swallowing the motto: To See Is To Believe. And in my case. I finally believed.

It all started when I was holding a can of cold light beer on my hand as I sat on the middle of the ice skating rink at 8:00 in the evening, 16th of July. With my gray sweater, black leather jacket, red scarf and then jeans and boots.

I watched as the people who were in and out of the rink slowly dissapated one by one. But a handful were left, about 20 people in the rink. I took a gulp on my drink and looked up. My world swirled and I focused on a golden brown haired girl wearing jeans, sneakers, jacket and ear muffs. She was slowly figuring how to skate beginning with gliding foot by foot.

I looked at her with such fascination and I don't know why. I just, observed. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to an hour and I haven't even noticed that my drink was already warmer than it was before. I stood up to get out of the rink and threw the half empty can. I leaned on the bars that surround the rink and kept watching that magnificent girl as she now glides with such passion around the rink. She started twirling slowly as if she was a ballerina, winter version.

As I got curious of her, my mind started asking itself, what should I do, should I go up to her? Should I stay and watch or leave and forget. Should I ask her name or just ride a train home. I got so lost in my thoughts to the point that my consciousness slipped out of the real world.

"Hello!" A person beamed infront of me.

My eyes widened in awe for she, the fabulous, gorgeous, passionate, magnificent and extravagant girl was smiling right infront of me.

"H-Hi!" Was all I could fathom at the moment. I was too stunned by her beauty, especially with just a feet between us, It was perfect.

Wide expressive sparkling brown doe eyes, pinkish cheeks, pointed cute
Button nose and those lusciously lavish nude pink lips. She was like a human doll. A doll carved by the Lord out of sugar spice and everything in between.

"Hey. Kuya. Pinoy ka diba?" She asked, still with the smile on.

"Oh, ako? Yes yes. I am. Wow! Wait, ikaw din?" I asked surprisingly.

"Jusko ka uy, di ba obvious to? Regular looking filipina ako haha!"

I smiled at her goofiness and her humble and genuine response.

"Special. Special looking filipina. I actually thought that you might be somewhat latina blooded or mexican type. You have that aura eh. Parang foreigner." I complimented. Not out of force to please her, but it was what I really wanted to say.

She blushed and chuckled. "Well ako I'm sure na ikaw, hindi ka lang filipino. Probably half american?"

"Nice guess. Pero one fourth nalang dugo ko haha. Si dad ko yung half. Oh wait, nga pala. I'm Richard Faulkerson Jr. Kahit Jay or RJ nalang." I said and offered a hand that she immediately took.

During contact, it isn't real that you feel grounded or tickled with the sensation. No, those are fictional descriptions. What the real deal was, you will feel an undescribable feeling in your chest and stomach that seemed to yell of longing and nervousness. The way we held hands, we were assured that we are safe with each other.

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