Chapter 43

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{Jaycee's POV}

We pull up to the beach house and get out of the car. I can already see the beach from here. We grab our bags, walk up to the front door and step inside. Oh. My. Gawsh.

"Wow." I say looking around.

"Yeah, no kidding." Cece says.

"Ya likee?" Andrea asks.

"Uh, DUHHH! I wish we could live here!" Cece says.

"I can definitely see why you chose this place. Plus it's practically on the beach!" I said.

[the house>> ]

I flop my bag down on the couch and run over to the glass doors that lead to the beach. I pull them open all the way and step out onto the back patio.


"So what time are people supposed to show up?" Cece asks.

"Anytime after 4 so, in about an hour, people should start to come." Andrea answers.

"Ok. Um, Jaycee? Are you ok?" Cece asks me.

"Huh? Oh, um, yeah, I'm fine. The beach is just so beautiful." I say.

"Ok then..." She answers.

What? She knows how long it's been since I was at a beach. The orphanage was like an hour away from the beach. I don't trust cabs, I hate public transportation, and it's way to far to penny board there. So the lat time I was at a beach, was back in Hawaii. Before my dad went insane. Cece would take a bus every once in a while, she tried to get me to go, but I wouldn't.

I pull off my shoes and socks and walk out towards the shore. The sand between my toes feels incredible. I get to the water and the cool water feels so nice. Almost hypnotizing..

I haven't been swimming in forever. There was a public pool not too far from the orphanage, but some kid apparently got sick from the chlorine so Evelyn said we're not allowed to go there anymore. It sucked.

The water reminds me of all the times my sister and I snuck out to go night surfing. After mom and dad went to bed, we would grab our boards, hop on our bikes, and ride to the beach. It wasn't too far, maybe ten minutes on the bikes. It was kinda in the bay area, so the waves were smaller, and there was rarely any sharks.

I remember we got caught by the HPD (Honolulu Police Department), and mom had to pick us up at like two in the morning. We got grounded, but that didn't stop us from sneaking out.

I also remember we used to steal pineapples from the field at the end of the street. The pineapple fields aren't there anymore. The land was developed to build more houses.

The workers would always try to catch us, but we always got away. Then dad would ask where we got them, and we would say from Auntie JoJo down the street. Dad was so gullible. I wonder if Alex thinks about me as much as I think of her.

"JAYCEEE!" Cece yells in my ear, waving her hand in my face and pulling me from my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I ask absentmindedly.

"Are you ok? You've just been standing there for the past ten minutes staring off into space and smiling at nothing." She says.

"Yeah. It's just that the beach reminds me of my sister, that's all." I say.

Cece nods and we look out over the water. Then Cece looks over at me again. I turn to look at her, but her gaze is locked behind me, and her jaw drops. I turn to see what she's looking at, but she stops me.

"Don't look." She whispers. Ok?

"Why not?" I ask quietly.

"Emblem3, is behind you. Down the beach.." She says.

WHAT!? I turn and look. Yup, E3, down the beach a little, with their surfboards. Ok, try not to fangirl..

I can't hold it..

Fangirl explosion in 3..



"Hey!" I yell and wave as they were just about to step into the water. They turn to look, then jog over.

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