Summer camp

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Ever since she was seven Luna's dad had sent her to summer camp so he would have more time to work on his magazine The Quibbler. Luna loved it. She loved going to the lake and staying in cabins. She loved all her friends there. Terry Boot was one of her best friends. She met him on her first year of camp when she was eleven. They had bonded over their love of pudding. Along with him and Michael Corner they had become the camps three troublemakers (but only when it came to parties and there was pudding) otherwise the Golden Trio pretty much won out.

It wasn't until her fourth year that she met him. Neville Longbottom, the most gorgeous boy she had ever met and he wouldn't even give her (or anyone for that matter) the time of day. He was extremely shy, or so Luna assumed, he hung out with the same three other campers every year, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

Currently Luna was in her fifth year, she was sitting on one of the benches near the lake when she saw Harry Potter walking on the beach "I'm telling you Ron! I saw something in the water!" Ron Weasley walked behing him shaking his head then Hermione Granger said"Harry. . .there's nothing there." Hermione and Ron walked away and Harry muttered "I'm going insane." Luna laughed airily then spoke up "No. You are not insane. I see them too. The fish are just reallly scared of people so most do not see them in the shallow." Harry looked up and smiled "Thankyou. Um. . ." She smiled "Luna" he nodded "Luna." Then he ran up the stairs to the cabins.

That night they had their annual first day campfire with s'mores and hot dogs. Luna was sitting on a log when someone covered her eyes. Her heart leapt "take your filthy hands off my face!" she said "What's the magic word?" a voice asked, she smiled wider "Please?" "Nope, try again!" she finally said

"Pudding" Michael took his hands off her face and went around her and crouched in front of the log "Hello, darling." he said beaming up at her. She hugged him "I missed you"

Someone came to sit on the log near where Luna and Michael where, Michael turned to the figure then to Luna beaming "So long sucker, I'm out." He had the nerve to dash away and leave a dumbfounded Luna shyly sitting next to the one and only Neville Longbottom.

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