> 46; the final one

229 3 6

(fast forward 10 years lateh)

Mario's POV

I pressed on the camera, "Hey, what is up guys. Mario here" I smiled.

"So today, it might be a 50/50 situation" I sighed, "I have to quit Youtube"

"I know, I've spent like most of my life here and there but I needed time for other things"

"So, I will be moving" I smiled at the thought of (y/n).

"With, my lovely wife, (y/n)" I smiled, "And also, my lovely children, (y/daughter's/n) and (y/son's/n)"

"I have to focus on my project, I won't be active as much as before. But I hope to still host parties, meet and greets with you guys!"

"I wouldn't be on this platform without you guys, I wouldn't be standing here, playing roles on movies" I smiled ever so happy and sad.

"I love you guys and your dedication for me, you guys have been there for my ups and downs. You all have cheered me up ever since I was 15" I wiped my tears, "Woohh" I laughed.

"Sorry, I'm just so happy that I've found the love of my life, my dream carrer and everything I've desired for"

"I love you all, and goodbye" I smiled, "Follow me on @itsMarioSelman. lololol" Whispered on my last joke on my channel.

I wiped my tears, (y/d/n) hugged me.

"Honey, the moving truck is here and is picking up the boxes" (y/n) says, with (y/s/n) in her arms.

I picked up (y/d/n), "Let's go" I kissed (y/n).

"Eww!" (y/d/n) comments and runs away from us playfully.

"Sweetheart, come here! I'm gonna get you"


LE END, If you want to have some sort of imagine please go and messege me :)

I'm available, as long as you're just really patience lol.

Scene: (he breaks up, etc.)

That's all :)
thank u, for supporting and i love you all ❤️⭐️

(if your messege doesn't work in wattpad, dm me on @buddyselman in Twitter :P)

I love u and take care 💫👋🏻

Mario Selman ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora