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You and Mario walked up to your locker, he pretty much just looked at you since he thinks that lockers are lame.

"We have our next class together right?" You asked.

"Yeah, Physics" He replied, as you got your Physics book.

As you both walked up, 5 minutes before the bell rang, Mario stopped walking.

"Hey, what happened? You okay?" You asked, concerned.

"Yeah.. I'm.. fine.. I guess?" He said.

"Well I–" He cut you off by saying, "I wanted to say something to you. For sooo long and I just can't" He sighs.

What's happening? You suddenly ask yourself, "I've gone through nights telling myself, Stop it. She's your bestfriend. And I tried to stop thinking about you, (y/n)"

"Well, either I just embarrass myself or not, I'm telling you" He said, Hope filled your eyes.

"I–" He was soon cut off by the bell.

Dang it! Mario told himself, You looked back, students going to their classrooms.

You lifted a leg, and wanted to go to Physics. Mario grabbed your hand.

"I. Like you. A lot.." He blushes.

He lets go, "I'm sorry.." He added.

"I like you too" You smile, while having red cheeks.

He looked at you, smiling and hugged you.

Mario Selman ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt