> 2: Times alone

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Your POV (still using you and you're tho)

"Bye guys!" You waved to Weston, Your best friend (y/bff/n) and Ian.

"Bye!" They replied back.

You were left with your bestest friend, Mario Selman.

"Wanna go on some rides?" Mario asked you.

"Yeah, why not" You smiled.

"C'mon!" Mario laughed.

You laid down your penny board, as you and Mario rode and felt like you guys ruled the world.

"It's so quiet around" Mario said.

"Yeah.." You just went with it.

After 5 Minutes, you received the noises of the carnival.

"Hey, bet I can get you one of those!" Mario pointed.

It was a big fluffy teddy bear, like an average looking teddy bear but big!

"No you can't" You smirked.

You were currently blushing, since you know.. Mario, You have the biggest crush in him.

"I can! come" He grabbed your hand.

You guys hid your penny boards, somewhere.

"Watch this" Mario winked.

After Mario was done, he received the good amount of score to get that Teddy Bear.

"Yes, that one please" Mario smiled.

"Told you it" He tells you.

You rolled your eyes playfully. You smile when you received the price he got you.

"(Y/n)! Look!" He pointed.

"It's the Ferris wheel!" Mario laughed.

"Come on!" He lead you to the ticket booth.

You rode a lot of rides and got a lot of prizes. That's how you guys spend each other's times alone

Mario Selman ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now