> 9.5; xoxo

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Weston's POV

A crowd of people were screaming, I decided to peek.

I-I cant..
She was so young and famous..
I'll miss her..

Until I found out who it was, Y/N.

I dropped my coffee and pushed people away.

Many people called 911, I placed her on my lap.


-- Hospital;

Ariel - I'm coming :(
Brennen - I hope my daughter's fine 💔
Nick - I'm gonna miss her..
A - what happened anyways? :(
Weston - I was just drinking coffee and then I saw a crowd and being me.. I peeked to it and there..
N - it's so weird when Weston's talking so normal.
A - Mario?!
B - Mario!
Zach - omg I just heard it on Messy Monday.

I opened my twitter and got on MessyMonday.

"#GetWellSoonY/N :(, We miss your broadcasts and your angelic voice"

And attached 4 pictures of Y/N, I was literally crying right now.

Y/N has been there for me, when I was broken and all of the stuff.

She helped me, and I just can't..

"Uhh.. for the visitors of.. Y/Full/N?"

I stood up, blood shot eyes.

"I'm very sorry.. We doubt she can make it. She's broken a lot of bones, lost a lot of blood, and a lot of horrible things happened"


I ran towards the bed, her wrapped up.

"A - How's Y/N"

"W - The doctor's doubt she will make it 💔"

I cried on the bed, until someone opens the door.

"You.." I pointed to Mario.

His eyes blood shot too.

"Woah man, chill.. I wanted to say I'm sorry..."

"I just-"

He broke into tears, I broke into tears too.

Mario's POV

Once Weston leaves the room, I decided to spend the night.

"I love you so much Y/N. Mom says she's sorry. Cat too"

"Come back with us" My tears rushed again, 12:45 am.

I heard a beep noise and the nurses suddenly rushed in..

"So that's who my true love is.. Y/N" I smiled to Cat's children.

"Ohhhh" They said.

"Mommy! Is it true that Uncle Mario actually had a girlfriend?" The younger child asked Cat.

"Yes, her name was Y/N. She was beautiful and kind"

I smile to Cat as she smiles back.

"and she's very special to our family"

Mario Selman ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now