> 6 ; Your Child

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Ofc, you and Mario are now grown up. Mario has become an actor, and he's more famous. You are sometimes seen in his movies, you and him are married. And this is just a bit of how you guys take care of your child :)) (+ fluff I guess??) Just in case, I'm making your children a boy and a girl. OKAY, in case you wanna change the name of the child, I'm cool with it

Your POV:

It was a saturday afternoon, You and Mario had just gone home. Mario had now paid the babysitter, Jen.

"Thank you so much!" You smile to Jen.

"No problem, Mrs. Selman!" Jen smiles back.

"Looking forward to see your new movie!" She smiles.

Mario smiles, "Thank you".

As Jen leaves, your 7 year old daughter Avery, runs up to you and hugs you.

"So daddy doesn't get a hug?" Mario says.

She giggles and says "no".

"Come here!" He picks up Avery and swings her around, you remembered when you were 15 and when Mario admitted feelings for you.

"Now, Avery. Where's Connor?" You ask, while Mario was carrying her.

"Jen put him to sleep" She says.

"Mwommy?" you heard, Connor exits the bedroom. He was only 5, you picked him up and gave a little peck.

Mario smiled, receiving the hint that he remembers something when you guys were still 16.

"Welp, me and mommy are gonna change first alright?" Mario smiles.


"Goodnight Ave" You smile and kisses her forehead.

"Night mommy" She smiled back.

You walked to Connor's little bedroom just next you and Mario's

"And then they lived happily ever after" Mario told the last line to a story.

You smiled, "Alright. Goodnight Conner" Mario pecked his cheek.

"Gwoodnwight Daddy" Conner smiled as Mario tucked him in.

He closes the door as he came to you and kissed you.

You guys pull apart, "The storyteller of my life" You smiled.

"Oh come on" He groaned, "I wanna cuddle" He said.

You guys changed clothes and cuddled, you enjoyed every night and couldn't believe that you married the dream boy that you just watched and thought that would never know you exist.

But he did and now, your here. Filiming a new movie, with two kids and famous.

Mario Selman ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now