> 37; Fire

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based on a true story
- so a part of my school burnt.

some info:
my last period is mape(Music Arts Physical Education) on tuesday and thursday and it gives us a few minutes to gather our things cause the bell of grade 11 is later than us. So the sched. is actually the opposite of the boys, like we go on mape, and they go to p.e and when we go to p.e, they go to mape classes but we have different teachers.

You and (y/bff/n) sat your bag down for MAPE class.

Pat approached you, who was your classmate.

You were on classrooms this time. And you probably are gonna go and practice some moves on the dance the whole school is working on.

"Let's get some food before Ma'am gets here" Pat offers.

"Sure, I'll go" You smiled, you looked at (y/bff/n).

"No, I'll be fine waiting for ma'am here" She smiled.

Pat nods, you both took the stairs. "Are you sure I'm not gonna be late?" You asked, having anxiety.

"No, I'm sure. We won't take longer than 5 Minutes" She responded and took out her wallet.

Once you arrive at the nearby fries vendor, Pat got her snacks and you got yours.

She got barbecue flavor, and you got (y/fav/flavor).

You two were about to enter the school, but a clan of people exited the school.

"What's going on?" You asked yourself.

"There was a fire, they said" You heard from people.

You entered the school, looking at the staircase. It was filled with people running, saving their lives.

"Probably they're right" Your heartbeat raced.

"Fuc– (y/n)! There's a large fire!" Pat shouted.

"Here, hold these for me and stay there! I'll get our bags" Pat warned, and headed up the stairs quickly.

You saw (y/bff/n) saw you, and you saw her. "(y/n)! Get out! There's a fire!"

"I know! I'm waiting for Pat to get our bags!" You shout your lungs out.

After a terrifying short while, you saw Pat. Carrying her pink bag with wheels that she hated and your (fav/color) bag on her shoulder.

She hurried and gave your bag as you have her wallet and snacks.

You two ran, "fire drill!" You thought. It had no help whatsoever, every student was going crazy and heading outside.

You peeked at it, the fire was at the gym. Mainly guys were there since it was your Mape, and it was their P.E.

"I'm gonna go now, probably mom's worried about me. See you, be safe!" Pat leaves you.

"(y/n)! What are you doing?!" (y/bff/n) shouted and grabbed your arm.

"Wh–" Before you could finish your sentence, there was a sound of explosion.

Aircons. "Holy f– LETS GO!" She drags you to the exit.

"Go! Go!" The officer, Sir Zenfaya, shouted.

You followed (y/bff/n) to a small canteen nearby the school.

"We should be safe here" She catches her breath.

"I hope so" You said.

Then you remembered, Mario. Your Boyfriend.

"MARIO" You screamed in your thoughts.

You pull out your phone quickly, saw the name 'babyyyy 😍❤️'

You texted him, "I know you don't have any credit right now but.. I hope your safe 😞💔"

You cried, and cried. "(y/n), no. Don't cry" (y/bff/n) says.

You look at her, tears were filling up her eyes as well.

You saw Mario wandering through the streets in his usual blue t-shirt, and his black and white adidas leggings.

"MARIO!" You shouted and ran to him.

You hugged him tight, crying. You were filling his tee with tears.

"(y/n), babe. You're safe" He hugs you, which makes you cry more.

"Shh.. shhh... let's go where (y/bff/n) is alright?" He combs your hair with his hands.

You nod lightly.

He sat down with you, (y/bff/n) currently contacting her mom and telling her that there's a fire.

"(y/n)" Mario called.

You sniffed as you look at him.

He dries your tears with his handkerchief.

"It's going to be alright" He smiled, "You're safe with me and (y/bff/n)"

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