> 34 ; Valentines [ 2 ]

199 7 7

You and Mario weren't close but he knew that you liked him. A lot.

"Hey, can you hold this for a sec?" Weston asks, you grab a bag which wasn't very familiar to you.

"Hey! Wes—" You cut off Mario by giving his bag back.

Your friends awed from the so called "romance" that you just had.

A lot of those happened, like for instance his jacket was rubbed against your body, Zach gave Mario's ballpen to you, etc.

But one thing you didn't forget was the thing that Weston told you "He told me that he likes you too" before running off again.

Of course, you played it simple. Obeying the "those were probably fake and why the hell would Mario tell that?" rule you made up on your mind.


Valentines, you had a date. For once, it was your friends. Close friends.

You passed Mario's group by the tree, hanging out. Weston, Zach and Jovani to be exact.

Until you noticed, they weren't there.

"Probably they went to the cafeteria to buy some food." You thought as walking with you friends.

Until you lost sight of them, "(y/friend's/n;1)! (y/f/n:2)!" You shout.

Still silence came over the room, until Mario appeared with a rose.

"Hey.. uhh.. (y/n)" He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I know that this is late but.. Will you be my Valentine?" He blushed.

"Oh, I get it. You're forced to do all of these. Weston, Zach and Jovani are gonna pop out somewhere being all excited and—" You got cut off with Mario's cute chuckle.

"(y/n). I'm serious, I really wanna be your Valentine" He hands you the rose, "fine, you stinky boy"

"We could call all day after school, my type of valentines day" You elbowed him.

"Psh. Yeah, sure" He laughed.

You sniffed the rose, it smelled amazing.

Until you felt something warm grab your hand, intertwining the hands.

You look at your hand, seeing that it was connected with


(no jkjk.)

Mario, You blushed at the feeling.

He did too.


a/n c;

happy LATE forever al— I-I mean Valentines day!

I hope you had fun kissing the screen with your idols' pictu— I mean, I hope you had a sa— I mean happy day!

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