> 29; Omegle

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(you can use this for an idea on a story, I might take it down if you claimed the storyline.. if you want. But I was about to make a new book based on this but I never update regularly so)

"Youtube, Music" were your matched interests. He was wearing a black shirt, with a white hoodie comforting him in the cold room.

"Hey" He started, and gave a warm smile.

"Hi" You shortly replied, returned the smile that he gave you.

"I'm Mario"

"(y/n)" you nod.

"So, who are your favorite youtubers? what's your favorite song?" He asks all of the sudden.

"Woah woah, bud. It's just been a minute, take it easy" You giggle.

"Fine, sorry" He laughed, He paused a second. "So, can you answer now?"

You laugh, "Yeah, sure. My favorite youtuber is (y/fav/youtuber exceptformario), and my fav song is (y/f/s)" You warmly told.

"Oo! good choice" He smiled.

After it's been actually an hour, it came to an end.

"Text me, bye" He smiled.


---- 2 years later.

"Mario!" You shout and ran to his empty open arms ready to hug you.

You two touch, "Wow you feel warm, Omegle girl" He teased.

"Oh, shut up" You roll your eyes.

You both got into your room and Mario packed his recording set.

He decided to make a video, a Q & A specifically.

"Hey guys! It's me Mario. And I'm here with my Internet Bestest Friend.."

"(y/n)!" You smiled to the camera.


"so @sparklingyurio: asks, how did you two meet?"

You eyed him, he was smiling.

"We met on omegle, to be honest. I was only bored and I got across her. And I thought that she was just an omegle girl but I guess not. She changed my life"

You get a little teary eyed. He looks at you.

"I love you"



message me, I'll tell you the details and probably make the cover if you want :))

Mario Selman ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now