Low Blood and High Blood

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Karkat's pov

I slowly slipped out of my room and inched my way down the hall. I stopped at Gamzee's door and listened closing, I could hear Gamzee's light snores. Ok he's still asleep maybe I can get back in bed before he wakes up. I thought as I slipped into the bathroom.

He told you not to.

I slowly pulled out a blade from the box hidden under the sink.

He cried. Begging you not to do this again!

I pulled up the sleeve of my sweater.

Do you really want to dissapoint him?

I hesitated, letting the cold metal rest against my skin.

Its not like he really cares.
One cut.

He doesn't even want to be your morail.

Two more.

Everyone hates me because nothing but a low blood.

Four more.


One deep one.

Outcast, unloved

Two shallow cuts.

I slowly looked down at the mutant, candy red blood running down my hand and dripping off my finger tips. I turned on the cold water and began washing off the blood. Ten cuts. Ten more scars. Ten more reasons for Gamzee to hate me. Ten more reasons to only wear sweaters. Ten more things I hate about myself...

I finally got the bleeding to stop and cracked the door open. Seeing that the coast was clear, I scampered back to my room and pulled the covers over me. Gamzee was used to waking me up in the morning because I would just lay in bed so nothing would seem unusual. I layed there about thirty minutes before I heard light foot steps heading to my room. I closed my eyes and the door cracked open.

"Karrrbrroooo." Gamzee said as he shook my shoulder lightly. I only groaned and rolled over, cracking one eye open to peek up at him. I felt a pang of guilt seeing his usual grin as he shook me again.

"I'm up, I'm up!" I groaned, crawling out of bed.

"Alright so guess what I made?" He grinned.

"What?" I said, rubbing my eyes.

"I made pancakes!" He laughed and dragged me into the kitchen by my hand.

"You stupid juggalo." I smiled and sat down as he sat in front of me.

After we got done eating we went into the living room and put in 13 Going on 30.

"Are you ok Karbro?" Gamzee said as he intertwined our fingers.

"Yeah. Im fine. Why?" I said a little shakily.

"You just look a little pale is all." He said, his worry seemed to worsen.

"Oh...well I feel fine." I said, giving what I hoped was a convincing smile. He frowned and suddenly something that looked like realization dawned on his face. I yelped as he grabbed my wrist and pulled it away from his grip.

"Karkat give me your hand." He whispered as tears welled up in his eyes. I shook my head viciously.

"Karkat!" he growled and I flinched. "Im sorry." He said quickly, seeing me flinch.

"Just please....please let me see." Gamzee sighed, a tear slowly falling down his cheek. I hiccupped softly and held out my arm to him. He slowly rolled up my sleeves and his finger skimmed over the deep cut at the center of my arm. I winced and his finger jerked off of my skin.

"Im sorry, Im sorry!" He cried out.

"Its fine..." I hiccupped and tears began rolling down my cheeks quickly. He pulled me into a tight hug, whispering sweet nothings in my ear as I cried into his shoulder. My hands curled into the back of his shirt as I pulled his impossibly close, breathing in his scent of Faygo, sopor slime, and something that was entirely Gamzee himself. A smell that was comforting.

"G-Gamzee I am s-so s-sorry! I d-didn't know w-what e-else to d-do!" I sobbed loudly, his arms tightening around me.

"Karkat its ok. I'm here for you. I always will be. I'm your morail." He murmured softly. I pulled away with a sob.

"I don't want to be your morail!" I yelled with a hiccup.

"W-what?" Gamzee said as all color drained from his face.

"I can't be your morail anymore. I love you! Not pale love you but I red love you!" I shouted before running to my room.

"Karkat come back!" Gamzee called after me.

"Karkat I can bust down the door if I have to!" Gamzee's voice came from outside the door. I whimpered and shook my head.

"Karkat please. I love you to." He said the last part quietly. I slowly unlocked the door and once it was open I fell into his arms.

"Shoosh Karkat its ok." He whispered in my ear. I leaned up and pressed my lips against his, the cherry flavor from my tears strong. His lips pressed back against mine gently as he slowed his kiss, cupping my cheeks and moving his lips against mine slowly and sweetly. My arms wrapped around his neck as I got on my tippy toes so that he didn't have to bend down as much. Our lips molded together perfectly and the sensation I got from the way Gamzee's lips moved against mine was fenomanal.

I pulled away, panting softly as I tried to catch my breath, my heels hitting the floor once more.

"Gamzee I love you." I gasp.

"I love you to. So much." He said as he pressed our lips back together in another breath taking kiss.

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