Crossdress (Johnkat)

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Karkat's POV

First day of Senior year. Another year of homophobic assholes and staring at the quarter back. John Egbert. Everyone thought he was going to be a nerd, but things changed when he joined the football team and started weight lifting. We used to be best friends, but we stopped talking about three years ago. I never knew why.

I get out of bed and start plundering through my draws. I pull out a mini skirt, a gray and black rose flower crown, a black sweater that hangs off my shoulder and says "fuck you if you're homophobic" on it, and my thigh highs that hook onto my skirt. Great way to start the year, don't you think?

I rush down the stairs when I see its 7:30, and grab an apple from the fruit basket Kankri keeps on the counter.

"Bye!" I call as I rush out the door and to my car, which is a gray and black Corvette. When I pull into the school parking lot I put on bright red lip stick and darken my mascara and eye liner. The first thing I notice is everyone staring at me, whispering things I can hear.

"Fag..." I catch through all the muttering.

"You're all just pissed because I have a bigger ass than you, or your girlfriends," I snapped with a swish of my left hip as I planted my hand there.

"Yeah right!" A girl called.

"Honey I look better than you. You're just jealous because your ass in an implant and mine isn't." I smirked as everyone started 'ooooo'ing at her. She flipped her hair and stalked off.

"Anyone else wanna be a bitch to me today?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. No one said anything so I took that as a no. I spotted Sollux and waved him over.

"You're really being thalty today," He grinned at me. I laughed quietly and nodded.

"Hey, everything I said was true! My ass looks great in this skirt!" I giggled and swayed my hips a little.

"Look who juth walked in," Sollux smirked at me. I turned and saw John and Dave walking into the building. I watched them as Dave whispered something to John and nodded in my direction. John waved at me as he walked by, and I could feel my cheeks heating up as I waved back at him.

"Cute flower crown," he smiled genuinely at me.

"You're not being sarcastic are you?" I asked as I reached up to make sure it hadn't fallen out of place.

"Nope. You look nice Karkat," he said and continued walking with Dave. I could feel my cheeks burning bright red as I stared at him as he walked away.

"Did he just.... Was he... I.." I stuttered as I turned to look at Sollux. He busted out laughing.

"Yeah KK, he complimented you," Sollux grinned. I shook it off and looked down at my schedule.

"What class do you have first?" I asked.

"Algebra with Mr. Dekinth. You?" He said, peeking over at my schedule.

"Literature with Ms. Charles. Ugh, life sucks, give me your schedule." I said, taking his and giving him mine.

"We both have second lunch at 12:30. Oh, and we have gym and Science!" I exclaimed. He nodded.

"Thee you in an hour for thcience KK. Bye!" He said, jogging to his first class.

I headed down the hall towards my English classroom, getting a few shoves and a couple of glares.

"Fuck off!" I said, flipping off a guy that shoved me. He rolled his eyes and walked away.

When I entered the English room the first person I noticed was John standing next to Dave's desk. I started to blush and I felt someone shove me and I fell to the ground, dropping my books.

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