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Dave's pov

I slowly ran my fingers over the wall as I walked down the hall towards Karkat's room, causing a soft noise to fill the hallway.

Before I could knock on the door I heard a loud crashing sound in Karkat's room.

"MUTANT FREAK! WASTE OF SPACE! PIECE OF SHIT!" I heard Karkat yell followed by another loud crash and sobbing. I heard something slam against the wall followed by another loud, frustrated scream.

I knocked on the door quickly.

"Karkat? Karkat are you ok?" I called through the door. I heard a few more sobs before there was a loud thud.....and then silence.

"Karkat? Karkat?!" I yelled, banging on the door. I groaned in frustration and kicked the door in. I was met by a huge mess. Karkat's lamp was busted on the floor, the mirror was shattered, the dresser was flipped on its side, and random things were scattered on the floor. The next thing I noticed was Karkat lying on the floor, unconscious, with blood all over his clothes and arms. I ran over to him and took his pulse, he was alive but barely.

"Karkat you idiot!" I cried as I threw my shades to the ground. I gathered him in my arms and ran into his bathroom, sitting him on the toilet. I began wrapping his arms in bandages quickly, not thinking to wipe off any off the blood.

I pulled Karkat into my lap and buried my face into his soft, raven colored hair.

"You idiot...." I murmured as tears spilled down my cheeks.

4 hours later (Karkat's pov)

I slowly opened my eyes to see bright scarlet ones staring back into mine.

"D-Dave?" I whispered. He nodded.

"Karkat why? Why did you do this?" He asked and his voice cracked as he grabbed my hand. A few tears slid down his cheeks.

"You idiot! I thought you were going to die! Do you have any idea how worried I was?!" He yelled, wiping his eyes furiously. I looked down as tears welled in my eyes and i hiccuped softly.

"K-Karkat I didn't mean to make you cry!" He said as he pulled me into a tight hug. I gripped onto him tightly as I sobbed into his shoulder.

"I-im s-sorry!" I sobbed quietly. I cried and cried and Dave just held my tighter every time I apologized and whispered that I had nothing to be sorry for.

"Karkat I need to unwrap your arms and clean them off." He murmured after my sobs had quieted.

"D-Dave you don't w-want to see t-that." I whispered.

"I want to help you, it can't be that bad." He said quietly. I pulled away from him and hugged my arms against myself. I felt a few fresh tears fall down my cheeks but no sobs came.

Dave leaned forward and pressed our foreheads together.

"Karkat please.....just let me help you." He whispered. I looked deep into his scarlet eyes and nodded my head ever so slightly. Dave smiled a soft, reassuring smile.

After he fetched a bowl of water and a sponge he sat down beside me once again on my bed. He slowly unwrapped my bandages and everytime I would wince a tear would fall down his cheeks. The cleaning wasn't that bad........until all the blood was gone. Dave gave a sharp gasp and looked up into my eyes. 'MUTANT FREAK' was carved into my arms.

"Karkat....." He trailed off as tears poured down his cheeks and a sob escaped his lips.

"Dave im fine." I said in a panic.

"No! No you're not! You're not ok! Karkat you should have told me about this!" he shouted as sobs began falling from his lips. I hugged him tightly.

"Dave I'm ok now. I'm ok because you're here." I said quietly. He pulled away and we stared at each other for a moment before we both burst into tears.

"Why are you crying?" Dave asked.

"Why are you crying?" I asked, my voice surprisingly steady.

"Because I love you!" He said as he wiped his eyes furiously.

"I love you to you idiot!" I smiled. He tacked me with another hug that knocked us both to the floor. After a few minutes of us laying there hugging each other we pulled away so we could sit up again.

Dave began rewrapping my arms carefully. I smiled reasurringly to let him know he wasn't hurting me and he smiled back weakly.

"Ok. All better." He whispered with a smile. "Come on lets watch one of your shitty romcoms."

"They are not shitty!" I whined. He rolled his eyes and grabbed my computer, pulling us both on my bed. I curled up on Daves chest and yawned. He scrolled through Netflix and clicked on Notebook.

~an hour and a half later~

"Gog! He doesn't understand!" I shouted at the screen. The seen where they were standing in the rain shouting at each other was playing.

"Kitkat calm down." Dave giggled into my shoulder.

"But he doesn't understand! Its not that simple!" I groaned. I looked up at him with a pout and crossed my arms. He cupped my cheeks and I knew he could probably feel the heat in them.

"I know something that's pretty simple," he whispered as our lips brushed together.

"W-what?" I smiled softly.

"That I love you." He grinned before pressing our lips together. I kissed his back almost instantly.

"I love you to." I smiled against his lips.

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