School (Humanstuck)

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Kankri's pov

"Come on! Don't you want to look good for him?!" Dave exclaimed. I hesitated.

Today was the first day of my senior year and i wanted to impress my crush. Karkat Vantas. brother. We hadn't seen each other all summer and didn't live together. Not since I was 6 and he was 4. I missed him alot and had developed a huge crush on him.

"Fine." I sighed. I followed Dave into my room as he began looking through my clothes.

"You could wear a red sweater, black jeans, and your red Converses. We could add a few accessories too...." He trailed off. Oh we go.

Time skip to after kankri gets dressed.

I looked in the mirror. I had on my red sweater, black jeans, red Converses, red and white head-phones, a chain hanging from my jeans, and my dark hair framed my pale skin and white eyes.

Yes I said white. My eyes are white, and Karkat's are dark cherry red. No one knows the color of Dave's eyes though. He always wears shades. Weird right?

"Are you sure about this?" I asked nervously.

"Yes! Now go before you miss the bus!" He exclaimed. I sighed, what do I have to lose?

( A/N: Other than your virginity)

I climbed onto the bus and took a seat at the back, plugging my headphones into my phone. I played Heathens by Twenty-One Pilots.

I looked around and noticed the girls giggling and pointing at me, the gay boys swooning, and finally caught Karkat staring at me wide-eyed. I winked at him and then turned back to my phone. I glanced up and saw Karkat's cheeks bright red and Gamzee shoot me a thumbs up. I smirked softly and text Dave.

Kankri: It's working!!!
Dave: So u saw him?
Kankri: Yeah! He's sitting with Gamzee about two seats in front of me. And *you
Dave: Ugh dont correct me!
Kankri: *Don't
Dave: Damn u! Bye Kanny! See u soon.
Kankri: *you and Bye!

I smiled down at my phone and looked up to see Karkat throw his hands up in frustration as Gamzee tried not to laugh.

"This isn't funny!" He shouted.

"It kinda is." I pointed out and moved to sit right behind them. Karkat froze at the sound of my voice.

"Wh-what all d-did you h-hear?" Karkat mumbled.

"Just you say its not funny. But it is kindaaaa funny when you get mad." I smirked.

"Is not!" He said and whipped around in his seat to face me. We were only centimeters apart.

"Whoa there Mr. Vantas, moving a little fast?" I smirked. "I mean I'm honored."

His cheeks set aflame and he became a stuttering mess. He turned around in his seat with a pout.

"Aww Kar don't be like that." I whispered in his ear. He shuddered and a soft whimper left his lips. I smirked and leaned back in my seat.

"Bro he totally likes you!" Gamzee grinned.

"Shut up Gam!" He whisper/yelled. I started nodding my head a little, like I was listening to music.

"He's lithening to muthic. He can't hear you." Sollux muttered and slid into the seat with me.

"Well he's my brother. He probably doesn't like me like that! And he's straight as a fucking board." Karkat grumbled.

"Judging by that little move he pulled a minute ago he'th not that thraight." Sollux said and Gamzee nodded. Karkat shivered and ran a hand through his hair.

"Maybe..." He trailed off. Sollux nudged me and gave me a look that said 'you aren't listening to music are you?' and i winked. Sollux grinned and tapped on Karkat's shoulder.

"What is it Captor?" He asked and turned around again.

"Your brother hath the hotth for you." He teased. Karkat's cheeks turned the color of a ripe tomato.

"I wish." He mumbled under his breath.

"What was that?" I asked with fake innocence.

"I thought you were listening to music!" Karkat said quickly.

"That's cute Karkitty." I purred. "But yeah I heard everything you said. By the way you're adorable when you blush."

"KK, thwitch theatth with me." Sollux said with an evil grin.

"Fuck you." Karkat said and didn't budge.

"Switch." I purred in his ear. He whimpered out a small ok and him and Sollux switched quickly.

"That's a good kitty." I whisperered in his ear. He shivered and leaned back against the seat. Karkat took a deep breath to calm himself down and I smirked and moved my hand to rest on his knee. His breath hitched and he whimpered. This is going to be fun.

Im going to make a part to soon! I promise it'll be up by Saturday!

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