Fair (DirkJake)

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Dirk's pov

Rose and Jane decided we all needed to unwind a little. So we were all heading to the fair right now. I was driving my car with Jake in the passenger seat, and Karkat and Dave were in the back seat holding hands. They were a cute couple but I was jealous. I wished Jake and I were more than just friends. But I had a plan. Tonight we would go on the ferris wheel and I would pay the guy to stop us at the top and I would kiss Jake. Oh god this a horrible idea!

"When are we going to be there?" Karkat huffed. Dave chuckled and kissed his cheek, effectively shutting him up. Jake giggled quietly and looked out the window with a gasp.

"Dirk, Dirk! Look!" He giggled and pointed out the window at the fair rides.

"I want to ride them all!" Karkat giggled and laced his fingers with Daves. Dave laughed and nodded.

"Aw so Karkat does laugh." I teased. He huffed but the bright smile on his face didn't fade. Dave pulled him close and he layed his head on Dave's shoulder. I wanted so badly to reach across and take Jake's hand, but I was to scared.

"Come on, come on!" Jake said, tugging me towards the Carasel.

"Not this one Jake! Come on!" I whined.

"But Diirrrkkkkk!" He said with a pout.

"Ok ok." I huffed and we showed the man our bands. He winked at me and we got onto the horses that were beside each other.

Once we got off the Carasel I pulled Jake over to one of the larger rides called the Superman. We got locked in and Jake looked nervous. I looked over and saw Karkat and Dave beside us.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Jake asked.

"Well only about a 100 people die on them per year, so yeah, its safe." I smirked. He paled and I laughed quietly.

"You can hold my hand if you want." I said, holding out my hand. He nodded and intertwined our finger as the ride began going up. We got to the top and Jake whimpered. It began to drop and Jake gasp but Karkat let out a high pitched scream.

"Woo hoo!" Dave screamed and threw his hands into the hair. Jake let out a scream as loud as Karkats at the next drop and gripped my hand tightly.

"Fuck!" Karkat screamed. The ride continued jerking us up and down and Karkat and Jake continued to scream while me and Dave were laughing. This used to be my favorite ride ever and I'm sure it was Daves to. The ride finally lowered us to the ground and we all stood up. Karkat was shaking badly and gripping onto Daves arm for support.

"Sorry Kitkat." He grinned. Karkat glared at him weakly.
"Never again." Jake whimpered. Karkat nodded and started pulling Dave towards a ride shaped like a space ship.

"They are cute. Wouldn't you say chap?" Jake said with a grin. I nodded and smiled back at him weakly.

As the night went on it got closer and closer to 12 am. When we're leaving the fair. I won Jake a huge teddy bear and got a thumbs up from Cronus when I saw him being pulled to The Extreme by a very giddy looking Kankri. We rode almost every ride. All but one, the Ferris Wheel.

It was 11:55 pm when I pulled an exhausted Jake to the Ferris Wheel. Just before we got in i slipped the control man $10 and he gave me a wink, I smiled in return.

As the ride went up it stopped at the very top and Jake's eyes lit up.

"Dirk! We got stopped at the top!" He grinned. I nodded and turned to face him, intertwining our fingers. His cheeks turned a brilliant shade of red. I slowly slipped off my shades and offered Jake a small smile as I  looked into his forest green eyes, and they widened at the sight of my golden ones.

I leaned in quickly and pressed our lips together. Jake stiffened and I went to pull away but his hands curled into my shirt and pulled me against him. I cupped his cheeks gently and when we pulled away our foreheads were still pressed together.

"I love you Jake." I sighed against his lips.

"I love you to Dirk." He smiled softly and pecked my lips again. We began to move again and when we got to the bottom Roxy and Jane were grinning at us in line with Mituna and Latula behind them.

"Nice one Dirk." Roxy said and punched my arm lightly.

"OMG! Its the end of the world Roxy Lalonde is sober! Jane what did you do?!" I gasp teasingly.

"I wanted to be sober for tonight. Me and Janey made it a date so....." Roxy trailed off a blushing mess.

"Im proud of you Rox." I grinned. She smile and wrapped an arm around Jane.

"Me to." She whispered.

"Well its 12 so shouldn't we be leaving?" Jake asked.

"One more round on the Ferris Wheel?" Jane asked.

"Lets go!" We all cheered.

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