Accident (Kantuna)

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Mituna's POV

Stupid retard!
No one lovwes you anyvways
Kill yourself already

I gripped my head with one hand as I drove away from there. Away from this town, away from Cronus Ampora. My bully, my bane on life, the reason I wasn't watching the road while doing almost 80 mph.

I heard a car horn, saw a blinding light, and everything went black.

Kankri's POV

"Really Cronus?!" I screamed as Mituna pulled out of the drive way.

"Vwhat? He's an annoying little shit!" Cronus grinned.

"Cronus I'm done. This is over!! I'll love him more than I'll ever love you! You're such an... an.." I was so frustrated.

"Vwhat doll? A bad word you can't say?" He teased.

"Asshole! You're an asshole!" I screamed and started towards the door to my house.

"Get back here!" Cronus growls, pulling me back.

"We're over! Get that through your thick skull!" I yelled in his face, snatching my wrist out of his grip. "You're single!" I screamed, slamming the door and locking it. I slid down the door and surprisingly I didn't cry . I felt relief, and a certain longing for a two-turn eyed, ginger haired boy.

"Oh Mituna...." I muttered to myself. Suddenly my phone went off.

"Kankri??" The voice on the end of the line sounded frantic.

"Yes?" I said as I stood up. Something was wrong, I could feel it.

"Mituna he... Kankri he wath going to fath, and he hit a big truck..." Sollux cried.

"Oh my god... Oh my god, no," I sobbed.

"Kankri he'th alive, but... Oh god juth get down here. We're at the Emergenthy room down town." Sollux said and hung up the phone. I wiped away my tears and grabbed my keys, running out the door. I jumped in my car and dialed Cronus's number.

"Cronus!" I yelled into the line as tears fell down my cheeks.


"He got in a wreck because of you!" I growled.

"Vwho? Mituna?"

"Yes you fucking retard!" I sobbed. I could hear him laughing on the other end. "You peice of shit!" I screamed and hung up.

I pulled into the hospital, and nearly ran into the waiting room.

"Sollux!!" I cried as I ran over to him. "Is he ok? Have the doctors told you what's wrong with him? Is he in a coma?"

"Kankri, calm down. Mituna'th going to be fine. He broke hith leg, hath a thight concuthion, and one of hith lungth nearly collapthed, but he'th going be ok," Sollux explained. "Hith heart failed in the abulanthe, but he'th thable now. You can go thee him if you want."

I nodded, crying in relief, and ran into his room.

"Mituna?" I asked softly as I calmed myself down.

"Oh, hey Kankri," He smiled at me. "I theem to almoth kill mythelf a lot huh?" He said as tears welled up in his eyes, and spilled over onto his cheeks.

"Oh my god. Don't ever scare me like that again!" I cried as I ran over and hugged him gently, scared I would hurt him. He was bruised up badly.

"Thare you?" Mituna asked, tilting his head in a confused way.

"I thought you had died!!!" I nearly screamed.

"Tho?" He muttered.

"Mituna Captor, what do you mean 'so'?! You're my best friend, I love you!" I felt my cheeks go red as I said it, but I meant it.

"Why? Don't you love Cronuth?" He asked bitterly.

"No!" I exclaimed.

"Wait.... What?" He asked with wide eyes.

"I dumped him. I'm so done with everything he puts me through, and I am so done with the way he treats you!" I said as I hugged him again. He hugged me back and buried his face into my hair.

"When can I go home?" He asked after a while.

"Probably not anytime soon," I laughed as I wiped away my tears.

"Thit. Thith plathe thmellth like themicalth," He said as he wrinkled his nose. I laughed again and Mituna just stared at me, smiling like an idiot.

"Why are you staring at me?" I muttered as I began blushing again.

"Becauthe you're beautiful," he grinned.

"I'm not," I said as my blush darkened.

"You are," he said as he tugged me closer to him.

"Mituna, what are you-" I was cut off when he pressed his lips against mine softly. I squeaked softly before I melted and kissed him back.

"I love you," Mituna mumbled against my lips.

"I love you too," I smiled.

~one year later~

"Mituna are you ready to go?" I called up the stairs.

"Yeah, let me get thith latht box!" He called back.

"Hurry!" I yelled as I leaned against the railing.

"Yeth, thop being tho impaithent!" He said as he ran down the stairs with the last of my stuff. "Are you thure you wanna do thith?" He asked.

"Of course I'm am! We're engaged, I might as well move in with you," I smiled as I kissed his cheek. He grinned and nodded. Mituna and I had bought a house in Houston, Texas so that we could be closer to all our friends who had moved there including: Horrus, Rufioh, Jade, Karkat, John, Roxy, Jane, Jake, Damarah, Gamzee, Kurloz, and Sollux. The Striders already lived there.

"Let's go," I smiled and grabbed his hand, intertwining our fingers.

"Let'th go," he grinned and started the truck.

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