Sadstuck (Stridercest)

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3rd person POV

  The battle was finally over. Everyone seemed to be there, but Dirk realized one person was missing. His boyfriend.
  "Dave?" He called frantically, searching desperately for the smaller blonde. He saw a small group of people huddled up, and he tried to push his way to the front.
  What Dirk saw nearly made his heart stop. Dave... But he was laying on the ground in a pool of his own blood.
  "Dave... " It barely came out as a whisper before he let out a blood curdling scream. "Dave! Dave!"
  Dirk felt someone grab onto his waist and pull him back at he tried to run forwards. Karkat was crying, giving Dirk a pitying look along with a few other. Some couldn't even meet his eyes.
  "Dirk! Dirk calm down!" Jake said, nearly lifting him off his feet to keep him still.
  "Let me go!! Let me go!" Dirk screamed, tears falling onto his cheeks. He thrashed and screamed, hitting Jake's arms as hard as he could until he finally released him.
  Dirk ran forwards and clung to his little brother, sobs racking his body.
  "No! N-no! W-we were- hic- We were so c-close! We a-almost made it!" Dirk sobbed, burying his face into Dave's shoulder as he held his body close. But there was no warmth radiating from the smaller boy like usual, instead his body was ice cold.
  Dirk pressed his ear against Dave's chest, hoping to hear his steady heartbeat, but it was silent.
  "D-dave... " He sobbed softly, his body trembling. His chest exploded with anger suddenly. "I'll kill them... I'll kill whoever did this!" He screamed, still holding Dave close to him.
  "Dirk... " Roxy shook her head as she spoke, tears spilling from her own eyes. "Dirk it was a simple minion. It's dead now. I-im sorry. He was surrounded... He was trying to protect Jane and I. J-janey broke her arm and i-i was trying to help her but-"
  Roxy broke down into a fit of sobs, Jane trying her best to comfort her although she looked a sickly green color.
  Dirk could feel his heart shattering in his chest. He felt like everything he knew was falling apart, they had fought so hard... And now it was over, but Dave couldn't see it. Dirk suddenly let out a soft laugh.
  "O-of course he died saving you two. Lil shit was always meant to be a Knight," Dirk hiccuped with a small smile, a steady stream of tears falling down his cheeks. He kneeled his head down, his shoulders shaking from silent sobs.
  Everyone was grieving the death of Dave Strider. Everyone knew what he meant. He was a brother, a best friend, a boyfriend, and a dairy to some. He never told the secrets he was trusted with, and he always put others before himself.
  Dirk stayed silent, just clutching Dave's lifeless body in his arms as if maybe... Just maybe it would bring him back.

~six months later~

  Everyone still checked up on Dirk quite frequently, but he always claimed he was fine. Of course he wouldn't be... He would never be fine again. He had lost his best friend, his brother, and his boyfriend all in one moment.
  He wasn't as bad about any mentions of Dave anymore. Yes, there was still a pain that would spread throughout his chest, but he would smile a little and talk about him at times now. There were still nights when he would break down and cry because he would remember that Dave wasn't going to be cradled in his arms when he woke up the next morning.
  Dirk missed everything about him. The way he smelled like apple juice and sweet shampoo, the cute giggles, and the passionate kisses. He missed it all, but things would never go back to how they were.
  "I miss you," Dirk mumbled softly as he sat on the roof that night. He let a few tears fall from his eyes before laying back and falling asleep... The same way he and Dave used to.

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