"Fran. When people talk about being with the one they love and all the great romances there are out in this world, I feel I am the only one that may never get that." [Vilu]

"Why you say that? Aren't you with Diego?" [Fran]

"No we broke up." [Vilu]

"If he broke up with you then he is an idiot." [Tomas]

"No Tomas. It was for the best, when I was with Diego nothing felt natural. I had to always work or put in effort to try to love him. Instead all I was doing was hurting him every minute we were together." [Vilu]

"Like Fede." [Fran]

"Why can't I get over him?! Why can't I simply move on?! Why does this feeling have to constantly linger?!" [Vilu]

"Because you constantly fighting with yourself. Your head is saying you are not in love with Leon while your heart beats a different rhythm." [Fran]

"I think I need to go for a walk. To clear my head." [Vilu]

"Would you like some company?" [Tomas]

"Thanks, but I need to be alone." [Vilu]

- - - - (LEON'S POV) - - - -

After winning the race I feel unstoppable. Kissing Lara and embracing her in my excitement came naturally. My sponsor believes that is good publicity, in reality it is what I felt in that moment.

I got changed and meet Lara before I saw my friends.

"Leon you were incredible out there." [Lara]

"I can see someone is really happy." [Leon]

"I am more than happy. I am elated! Not only am I apart of the best motocross team in all of Argentina, but I also have the best boyfriend in the world. I love you." [Lara]

In that moment I felt odd. When someone says I love you that means you say it back. In this case it was different. I couldn't say a single sylabul. Love is not what I feel for Lara and right now hurting her is the last thing I want to do.

"Leon... Leon..." [Lara]

"Yes." [Leon]

"You ok? You haven't said much." [Lara]

"Yup. Everything is fine." [Leon]

"I told you I love you and you didn't say anything back." [Lara]

"I heard... Lara... I don't love you." [Leon]

I can see the first expression she was sad and hurt. I wish I can take away the pain I just caused her. The second expression ended up being anger. Something I wish I hadn't conjured.

"It's because of her?! Because of Violetta!" [Lara]

"It's not about anyone. I can't tell you that I love you when it isn't true!" [Leon]

"Today I thought would be the happiest day in my life. Thanks to you, it has become the worst." [Lara]

She takes off in a different direction. My assumption to our relationship status is that we are over. And I can agree with Lara. I have possibly ruined the best day of my life. Now that I am single, seeing Vilu with Diego will only crush my heart even more.

As I catch up with everyone I noticed no Diego and no Violetta.

"Dude you were totally awesome on the track!" [Maxi]

"I believe that was your best performance yet." [Andres]

"Thanks. Have you guys seen Violetta?" [Leon]

"She left a little bit ago. She said that she needed some time to herself." [Fran]

"Fran can I talk to you in private?" [Leon]

I pull Fran aside because I need to know the truth. If she left because of my kiss with Lara then I need to tell her the truth. Even though she is with Diego and the last thing I wan to do is confuse her, but I need to express my feelings. Denying them will only cause me pain.

"Did she leave because of my kiss with Lara?" [Leon]

"I shouldn't say. But I am only going to because she is my best friend and I don't like to see her suffer. Leon, she is in love with you. This time its the truth. She left because of your kiss with Lara and now more than ever she feels like a hopeless person when it comes to love." [Fran]

"Where did she go? Is Diego with her?" [Leon]

"No her and Diego broke up this morning before she came to the track. She said she was going to take a walk." [Fran]

"Thanks Fran." [Leon]

I ran off to my motorcycle and went on a search to find her.. the one I love... the one I want to be with.. the person who has been there from the beginning... her....Violetta.

Right From The Start {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now