Together We're Stronger {2}

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- - - - (VIOLETTA'S POV) - - - -

Today instead of leaving after school to go home and do homework, I had to go back to the zoom where Pablo and my entire class. Of course I am standing near Diego and his friend, Marco while everyone who despises me...Francesca...stands on the opposite side of us leaving everyone else in between.

"Pablo, why are we here?" [Maxi]

"Asked this class to stay after school because we have an issue. People within this class have troubles being around or having to participate with certain people. We have four days until we present in front of major sponsors and the entire studio as well as the owner and we are barely ready. Today you won't leave until together you have come up with half of the lyrics for the group song. I will come back in a half an hour to check on your progress." [Pablo]

No one moved or said anything for the first five minutes.

"Alright it's clear there is a division in this group, but let's set aside our animosity and begin working towards the debut." [Cami]

"What genre should we do?" [Maxi]

"A ballad. I'll sing the lead of course." [Ludmilla]

"No!!" [Everyone]

"Why not do something edgy, something different?" [Diego]

"Is that your answer for everything." [Leon]

"What? Can't handle that people might want something new and different. Or you just don't like that I have an actually idea and you weren't the one to come up with it?" [Diego]

The guys got into each others faces and something bad was going to happen if no one stopped it. Myself, Camilla and Broadway stopped it.

"Enough! Guys, we are never going to get anything done. Why don't we separate into smaller groups for ten minutes and then regroup and see if our lyrics can be combined into one song." [Vilu]

"That sounds like a great idea." [Cami]

"If it involved me not having to see your face, then I'm in." [Fran]

"Diego, Marco and I will go into another classroom." [Vilu]

I head out of the zoom and into another classroom having Diego and Marco right behind me.

- - - - (LEON'S POV) - - - -

I can't believe Violetta is getting so close to Diego it makes me disgusted. I guess it showed on my face because Cami pulled me aside to talk after they leave.

"Leon, why do you have a problem with Diego?" [Cami]

"I don't trust him. Don't trust in what he says and don't trust him around Violetta." [Leon]

"Are you jealous?" [Cami]

"Jealous? What makes you say that?" [Leon]

"It sounds like you are jealous of Diego. Of how Violetta likes being around him and how close Diego is to her." [Cami]

"No. I have no reason to be jealous, I have my own girlfriend. I just want to protect her." [Leon]

"Leon right now the only person has been able to make her smile hasn't been Francesca, me, or you. It's been Diego. I mean someone who does a sketch of her and displays it in front of the entire studio to surprise her is not someone who wants to hurt her." [Cami]

"What are you talking about?" [Leon]

"Diego did a drawing of Violetta with the help of his friend Marco. Here I'll show you a picture." [Cami]

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