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After English we meet by Maxi's locker so we all could sit together during lunch. Everyone got what they wanted to eat and we found a table that have seats for all of us. Broadway, Maxi and Andres sat at one side of the table and on the other side I sat down next to Leon and Fede was sitting on the other side of Leon.

"So I was thinking we should write our song in the style of hip hop." [Maxi]

"No, we should do something more smooth, like jazz or maybe reggae." [Fede]

"I agree with the reggae idea." [Broadway]

"I think we need something more edgy." [Leon]

"I agree with Leon." [Maxi]

"Vilu, what do you think?" [Broadway]

"Maybe instead of basing your song off of one genres, create the beat first and then build your music on top of that. You need to create your own style, what fits best for everyone in the band." [Vilu]

"That is... actually not a bad idea." [Maxi]

Meanwhile a girl with bright red hair, glasses, and the style of rock star walks by and begins to talk to Leon.

"Hey Leon. I was wondering if you plan on auditioning for the show?" [Roxy]

"Yea, I was going to audition with the guys for the boys band." [Leon]

"Well did you ever consider for auditioning for the male lead? Because I think you would do great." [Roxy]

I noticed she put her hand on his shoulder and began twirling her hair with her other hand.

"I never put that much thought into it." [Leon]

"Well I was going to audition for the female lead, and those you get the leading roles will sing the duet and I would like to sing with you." [Roxy]

"I guess we will have to see after the auditions." [Leon]

"I guess so. Bye guys." [Roxy]

As she left the guys started talking about ideas for the song. I couldn't help it....

"Didn't you realize that she likes you?" [Vilu]

"Who? Roxy?" [Leon]

"Yes! She was totally flirting with you." [Vilu]

"And how could you possibly know that she likes him after one small conversation?" [Fede]

"Because I know how girls act. She is only asking you about the auditions for the show, she placed her hand on your shoulder, then twirled her hair."[Vilu]

I reenacted Roxy's moves with Leon.

"I feel flattered in all, but I am not into her like that. Besides my focus is more into the band." [Leon]

"Don't you think you should at least let her know?" [Vilu]

"I think she will get the hint." [Leon]

"So you are just going to let her be mislead? How can you be so mean?" [Vilu]

"Look I don't want to argue again." [Leon]

"Fine!" [Vilu]

I stood up from the table and began to move away.

"Where are you going?" [Leon]

"I am not going to sit next to someone who can toy with some girl's emotions." [Vilu]

"Well are you going to meet up with us later to go to the skate park?" [Leon]

"Can't! I have a yearbook meeting after school." [Vilu]

And I left to sit next to Fran and Cami. At least I know they would take my opinions more seriously.

"Hey Vilu." [Cami]

"What's wrong?" [Fran]

"I just don't understand boys. How can he just let her be mislead?" [Vilu]

"Who are you talking about?" [Cami]

"Leon. Roxy likes him and he doesn't even matter. If she doesn't like her why doesn't he tell her?" [Vilu]

"Vilu, boys don't understand what liking a girl means. Us girls grow up faster than those dumb boys. I wouldn't sorry about it too much." [Fran]

"Fran is right. As much as any girl likes Leon, Maxi, Fede, or Broadway they are looking for a tragic heartbreak." [Cami]

"I just wish they were more sympathetic that is all. Anyways...what are you two up to?" [Vilu]

"Fran and I are working on a theme for this year's yearbook." [Cami]

"You guys are joining yearbook club too." [Vilu]

"Yupp! You are coming to today's meeting after school?" [Fran]

"Yupp. We can all sit together." [Vilu]

"Great! We will see each other than." [Cami]

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