The Next Day

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This morning I couldn't get to school fast enough, I was so excited because for once I got my very own song. A song that no one has yet stolen and that no one knows. But I wanted to share it with Fran and Cami and Fede. At least those are the people that I trust the most.

When I was rushing towards my locker, I saw someone that crushed my energy. Leon.... I tried turning around and walking away before he caught me, but no use.

"Hey Vilu, wait up!" [Leon]

"Hi.. Leon.." [Vilu]

"I called you last night." [Leon]

"I heard your voicemail. I didn't answer last night because I was really tired from rehearsing with the girls and..." [Vilu]

"Vilu, come on. I saw you ignoring my call. Why?" [Leon]

"I think you know." [Vilu]

"What you heard yesterday...." [Leon]

"What I heard yesterday was my best friend choosing some girl that likes you over your friend for the female lead! Not only that but you wanting to break the promise you made to me!" [Vilu]

"Since you put it like that, it doesn't sound good but..." [Leon]

"Yea it didn't sound good nor did it felt good!" [Vilu]

"And I've apologized for every single word! I don't like fighting with you because you are my best friend. All I was doing was being honest, and wasn't it you that said honesty is very important." [Leon]

"Yes I did. But you're honesty was influenced by a spark of feelings from a girl you barely know!" [Vilu]

"And I said I was sorry!" [Leon]

"Well I don't know if a sorry is good enough this time!" [Vilu]

"What do you mean by that?" [Leon]

"Being friends with you is making me suffer, and if we are no longer friends that maybe I will stop suffering." [Vilu]

" I interrupting something?" [Fede]

"Yea, you two look intense." [Broadway]

"Don't worry, we're done talking. In fact, Fede I need to show you and the girls something during lunch. You think you can come by Pablo's classroom?" [Vilu]

"It shouldn't be a problem." [Fede]

"Great! Well I got to go meet Francesca and Camilla, see you guys around." [Vilu]

- - - - (LEON'S POV) - - - -

"What just happened?" [Maxi]

"Vilu and I were arguing just a few seconds ago." [Leon]

"Again!" [Andres]

"What she heard you say yesterday wasn't the greatest." [Maxi]

"It's not like I don't know that Maxi!" [Leon]

"Alright, you don't need to start a fight with me now." [Maxi]

"Sorry, but this time she isn't sure that being friends with me is best for her right now." [Leon]

"Is it really that bad?" [Broadway]

"Yes. She said that being friends with me is making her suffer. I don't want her to suffer because of me." [Leon]

"Well as much as I hate to say it, but maybe she is right. You've guys have been friends since she moved across the street from you. Going both your separate ways is what you guys need." [Fede]

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