The Accident

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- - - - (LEON'S POV) - - - -

After dropping off Roxy at her house I walked to mine. I can't stop thinking about Violetta and Fede. How they sang together and the chemistry they have. The song that Vilu composed, it's totally her. If only I can tell her in person.

Just before I went home I though about going to see Violetta first. She must be home and it's only eight so she might be at her window. Just as I was looking over to see if her bedroom light was on I saw her at the front door....with Fede. I wasn't planning on easy dropping or being nosy, but I couldn't help but to watch was happening.


So does this mean that they are dating now? I mean they only been close friends for like a month. I knew Fede liked her, but I didn't know that Violetta would have fallen in love for him. She disliked it whenever he would pick on her, now she wants him be her side at all times. This happened too fast and I am afraid that they are both going to hurt themselves. It's best to wish them luck.

Before I closed the blinds to my window I look at her and see nothing more then her beautiful smile. She glows with joy and that is all I have to see for me to know that she is happy. I think this is the happiest she has been.

Why do I care so much? Why do I care that my ex-best girl friend and my best friend are going to date or are dating? I am with Roxy and I love being around her. But some kind of feeling overcomes me when I see Violetta happy without me in her life. We've known each other for such a long time and this is the longest we've ever been a part from each other. Deep down inside I still feel like she is my best friend, at times I want to talk to her about my life and seek for her advice. I miss our window phone calls and... and... and I just miss her.

- - - - (VIOLETTA'S POV) - - - -

I can't believe that I just had my first kiss! MY FIRST KISS! And it was with Federico. When I thought about my first kiss 1) I thought it would be when I was in high school 2) Be with Leon and 3) that it would be one of the best moments of my life. At least I got number three right. I just can't believe that I would only feel this way with Leon, but I guess I can have this feeling with anyone who is important to me. All I know is that no one can ruin this moment. If only mom were home, I want to tell her everything that has happened tonight. My first performance in front of an audience, my first kiss, and now I have my first boyfriend....AND IT'S FEDERICO.

All night I couldn't stop thinking about this night. My thought go back and forth between my performance and Federico kissing me, and me kissing Federico. Tonight couldn't have been any perfect.....until the next morning.

- - - - (NEXT MORNING) - - - -

I wake up and venture down stairs to find my dad sleeping on the couch. I knew when I went to bed that he was waiting for my mom to come home, but he must of fallen asleep.

"Dad!?" [Vilu]

"What! What!?" [German]

"You slept on the couch all night long?" [Vilu]

"I was waiting for your mom, as you already know. And I must of fallen asleep." [German]

"Ok.?" [Vilu]

Someone knocks on the front door.

"I'll get it Mr. German. Breakfast is ready and served." [Olga]

"Good morning Madam, is German Castillo available." [Policeman]

"Yes, let me get him.....Senor, a policeman is at the front door asking for you." [Olga]

"Do you know why he is here?" [German]

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