!Freshman's Debut Show!

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Author's Note: I am sorry for the delay in updating. I am running low on inspiration for the story. I plan on continuing the story, but I need some ideas. You can PM me ideas for the following:

1) Another Leonetta moment

2) A confrontation between Lara and Violetta

3) Confrontation between Diego and Leon

4) Other couples moments (Cami and Broad, Maxi and Nati, etc.)

5) Couples you may want to see together

6) A U-Mix or studio project for the studio

Thank you for all the readers that are enjoying the story and continue on voting for your favorite chapters and comment on what you like about the chapter. ❤

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Today is the day of the debut show for the Freshman class of On Beat Studio. So far everything has been smooth sailing since the truth about Tomas and Ludmilla. Francesca and Violetta are friends again and everyone has already apologized for not believing Violetta. Violetta and Diego are dating which bothers Leon. Leon is still dating Lara and he has forgotten about the possibility of having certain feelings for Violetta. The girls band has written a new song like Pablo asked and as the day approaches everyone is starting to get nervous. With all the practicing and rehearsals Pablo believes they are more then ready.

- - - - (VIOLETTA'S POV) - - - -

A few minutes before the show starts and the boys band is up first. Diego held a piece of paper and sort of having a moment. I went to check up on him to see if he was just as nervous as I was.

"Diego, are you alright?" [Vilu]

"Yeah. Everything is fine, why?" [Diego]

"Well you can't stop starring at what you were holding there." [Vilu]

"This , this is nothing." [Diego]

"Diego. You can tell me anything, you know that." [Vilu]

"This is a program from a show my dad use to perform at when in Madrid. Since I was a little boy I always wanted to have that special bond between me and my father, but he hasn't been in my life. I came here specifically searching for him because my mom never told me anything about him. I keep this to secure my hope of finding him one day, before any show I like to look at it to envision him being here watching me. It's kind of stupid." [Diego]

"No Diego. When I lost my mom I like to think that every performance I do she is watching down upon me. And at sometimes I can feel her being right there on stage with me. And someday I do believe your dream of finding your dad will come true." [Vilu]

"Do you know how remarkable you are?" [Diego]

"Yes, and I love it when you tell me so." [Vilu]

We each give a caring hug which helped calm my nerves a lot. I'm glad to have Diego, each day I feel as if I am getting closer to having feelings for him and begin to forget Leon. At least that is what I think.

- - - - (LEON'S POV) - - - -

I see Diego and Violetta hugging in one of the dressing rooms. I was originally going to see if Violetta was nervous and if she needed some advice from a friend. I can see that she doesn't need me, not when she has someone like Diego to take care of her. I am beginning to see how when someone is in a relationship it can kind of get in the way of friendships. When you want to be there for your friend, they have someone else that beats you to the punch.

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