Just Friends, Hun?

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- - - - (LEON'S POV) - - - -

The party ended shortly after our performance. With nothing much to do with half of the people on the dance floor, I left. Tonight was a strange night for me. For once I felt alone.

I was either thinking about Lara and why she is not as close as when we first started dating. Or I thought about Violetta and if I would ever hear her response to my question. Not to mention the mystery of Diego Hernandez. I knew there was a reason for not trusting him, and it was not because I was jealous either.

My mom told me that I had a guest in my room waiting for me. I didn't expect Lara to be the one sitting on my bed as I entered.

"Lara. What are you doing here?" [Leon]

"I got your message. I think we need to talk." [Lara]

"Alright." [Leon]

"I think we need to take a break." [Lara]

"But why? And why are you being so cold around me lately? What did I do? Whatever it is I will fix it Lara." [Leon]

"You can't fix what you feel for Violetta." [Lara]

"When did Violetta interfere with what is wrong in our relationship?" [Leon]

"I saw the video on U-Mix. You can't tell me that you feel nothing, but just friend for her. This time I have proof." [Lara]

"What video?" [Leon]

Lara shows me the video (IN MEDIA). It was when Violetta found me composing my new song. I didn't expect for them to post this on the web. Now everything makes sense.

"Lara, this is not how it looks. She found me in the middle of working on a new song and I showed her, for her opinion nothing else." [Leon]

"Leon I am not looking for explanations. I am just done being your second choice." [Lara]

"What are you talking about? If you were my second choice how come I decided you to be my girlfriend first?" [Leon]

"I don't know. Maybe you wanted to escape from what you were feeling for your "best friend". Leon you need to figure out exactly how you feel, I won't be here tagging alone beside you forever. Not like this. Either you are with me, or you are with Violetta?" [Lara]

"Lara you are being dramatic. There is no one else I would want to be with except for you. Yes I may have been trying to understand my relationship with Violetta, but even if I did have strong feelings for her it's not recripocated. She is with Diego and is happy with him. I know that when I am around you that I am happy too. That I have someone to talk to openly about everything in my life. Who tries to understand me, and that is something I want to keep for a long time." [Leon]

"But are you sure?" [Lara]

"Couldn't have been more sure than anything in my life. Tomorrow I will even prove it to you." [Leon]

"Really. What do you plan on doing?" [Lara]

"You'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out." [Leon]

"Your surprises making me very uneasy." [Lara]

"Why?" [Leon]

"Because I never know what you are going to do." [Lara]

"That's the point of a surprise. Are we good?" [Leon]

"Yes we're good. See you tomorrow." [Lara]

She leaves and I am at suttle ease. The other part that keeps bothering me is what Diego is secretly hiding with Ludmilla. Whatever it is, Violetta I am sure doesn't have a clue either. I need to get to the bottom of it, before Violetta ends up getting hurt. 

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