The Theif

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It's Pablo's class, well technically we have a free period which is considered our eighth class. Everyone from our homeroom attends to Pablo's class and a few additional members like Roxy.

"Alright, students I want to get a theme or some direction for the end-of-the-year-show. Any suggestions or song pitches are permitted..." [Pablo]

"Pablo, I have a song idea that could be great for the female lead solo." [Roxy]

"Alright Roxy, if no one else has anything to suggest then you can come up and sing us your song." [Pablo]

He looked around the classroom for any hands, but no one had any other ideas. Roxy stood behind the piano, put her scores on the upper stand and began playing.

WAIT A MINUTE!! That song sounds soo familiar....THAT IS MY SONG.....!!!!!!!

🎶 Oh , baby, I wish I could tell you, How I fell but I can't 'cause I'm scared to

Oh, boy, I wish I could say, that Underneath it all

I'm still the one you love, Still the one you're dreaming of

Underneath it all , I'm missing you so much

Baby, let's not give it up 🎶

-  -  -  -  -  -

Everyone in the classroom was clapping there hands. I looked around and saw Leon had not just liked the song, but LOVED the song.

"Isn't that the song you composed?" [Fede]

Fran and Cami looked at me with curious faces.

"Not anymore." [Vilu]

I didn't could she have the same exact song that I wrote. I checked my bag thoroughly, I didn't have the scores. I forgot them in Pablo's classroom before lunch and, she probably stole them.

As the dismissal bell rang, everyone left class and as I was about to leave I couldn't help but listen to Leon and Roxy's conversation....

"Hey Roxy, that song was INCREDIBLE!" [Leon]

"Thank you. It's easier writing a song when you feel inspired." [Roxy]

"And what was it that inspired you to write that song?" [Leon]


I can't believe it, that song that I wrote for Leon, and he doesn't even know.

-  -  -  -  -  -

It's time to go home and the way I am feeling right now I need to talk to someone. Fran and Cami couldn't walk home with me because Fran had to help out her brother Luca at her family's restaurant and Cami had a dentist appointment. The only other person who could understand what I'm going through is Federico.

- - - - (LEON'S POV) - - - -

"Leon!" [Maxi, Broadway, Andres, Fede]

"What?" [Leon]

"We are talking about rehearsals after school, and you are somewhere else." [Broadway]

"I'm sorry. I can't help it. I can't stop thinking about Roxy and the song she performed in Pablo's class." [Leon]

"It's just a song." [Fede]

"But she told me that she wrote it thinking about me." [Leon]

"Do you like her now or something?" [Andres]

"I don't know. But all I feel like doing is to sing with her." [Leon]

"Does this mean you're not going to help Vilu get the female lead role for the show?" [Fede]

"No...yes?....I don't know. After listening to Roxy I am just unsure that Vilu has that much confidence. Besides having a lead role in a show can put a lot of pressure on her and I don't think she will be able to handle it all." [Leon]

"But you were the one to convince her to sign up in the first place." [Fede]

"And didn't you promise that you will help her out with her stage freight." [Maxi]

"Yeah, but things change, and if she was my friend she should understand, right?" [Leon]

"Vilu!!...." [Fede, Maxi, Broadway]

Please let her not hear anything I just said.

"Hey Vilu. Look I am sorry for...." [Leon]

"Don't worries Leon, I totally agree with you. That is why after class I told Pablo that I won't be auditioning for the lead." [Vilu]

"Well then it is settle." [Andres]

All the guys smacked Andres's arm.

"Most importantly, I came here because I was wondering if you, Fede, would walk me home so we could private?" [Vilu]

Why would Vilu need to talk to Fede in private?

"Yea sure. Guys I will meet you at Leon's garage when I am done, ok." [Fede]

The two of them left.

"Since when did Vilu and Fede became close friends? Am I the only one thinking it is a bit strange?" [Maxi]

"You're not the only one." [Leon]

"Guys, they are totally in love." [Andres]

"No Andres. Vilu and Fede are not in love." [Broadway]

"Yea, yesterday morning they got into one of their "sarcastic battles"." [Maxi]

"Yea, but what is it that Vilu needs to talk to Fede about that needs to be discussed in private?" [Leon]

"Maybe they want to be together without you guys. So they can share their love for one another. They just don't want to tell you guys so you won't treat them differently." [Andres]

"Oh shut up Andres!" [Leon, Maxi, Broadway]

-  -  -  -  -  -

"Hey guys, sorry I took a long time. But now that I am here we can start where we left off yesterday." [Fede]

"Isn't Vilu going to come over, did she say?" [Leon]

"No she said that she had a rough day with her classes and she has practice with Fran and Cami later." [Fede]

"Oh...Uhmm...lets get started." [Leon]

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