Fedeletta Moment

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- - - - (VIOLETTA'S POV) - - - -

"Fede I don't know what to do. I am about to have a break down here." [Vilu]

"Vilu, calm down. It's ok to feel upset. You're in love with Leon." [Fede]

"How do you know that?" [Vilu]

"Come on Violetta. I saw how discourage you were when Leon was talking about Roxy and how he likes her. Besides, the song you wrote was for someone special." [Fede]

"Yea your right. But please don't say anything to any of the guys, especially...." [Vilu]

"Especially Leon. I know, but I do have one question. When did you start liking Leon as boyfriend material?" [Fede]

"It was last year when I started realizing that these feelings were deeper than a friendship." [Vilu]

"Well you know what I think. You need to tell Leon the truth." [Fede]

"Fede, he will never believe that I wrote that song and Roxy stole it from me. Besides I have no proof." [Vilu]

"Vilu! Francesca, Camilla, and I heard you perform that song to us first. And we will gladly be your witnesses." [Fede]

"Even if you were the best witnesses in the world, he still wouldn't believe me. Leon practically said in front of me that he would rather have Roxy then his best friend be the lead role in the end-of-the-year show." [Vilu]

"That is true, but Vilu you can't keep hiding these feelings. I may not be a love expert, but I can tell that this is making you suffer." [Fede]

"Thanks Fede for your concern, but if I could last a year of hiding my feelings I am sure another year wouldn't hurt." [Vilu]

"Yeah, but last year you didn't see the person you are practically in love with be with someone else." [Fede]

"Lets just hope in time my feelings for Leon will past over and maybe I will develop feelings for someone else." [Vilu]

"Yea, and who is that going to be?" [Fede]

"I don't know Fede. Gosh...I can't know everything that will happen in my life." [Vilu]

"Sorry, I think as for right now you need to go home, relax, talk to your girls, and do everything possible to think about anything else besides Leon or Roxy. Maybe you could channel all of these emotions your feeling and make a new song. Since your last song was stolen." [Fede]

"Yea, and remind me that when I show you guys my new song that I don't leave the scores behind." [Vilu]

"Will do." [Fede]

"And Fede....Thank you." [Vilu]

"No problem. Even though we weren't the greatest friends from the beginning, now I think we could become the best of friends." [Fede]

"I second that." [Vilu]

We hugged, for the first time. I have never seen this side of Fede before. He is really understanding, and gives great advice. He may push the envelope a little bit, but he will never cross the line. I think this is a new start for us, and maybe we could become more than just the best of friends.

- - - - (LEON'S POV) - - - -

It's night time and I went to my room for some "Me Time". I usually play some chords on my guitar or listen to my favorite music. Tonight I wanted to see if I could become inspired on writing something to the bands' song.

Nothing! I couldn't think about anything else, but what happened today. There was Roxy, who wrote a song thinking of me. And then there was my best friend Vilu, who I completely let down and gave up on my promise.

Thinking of Violetta, I glanced over at my window to see if she was still awake. Her bedroom light was on and I saw here sitting on her window sill writing in her diary. I couldn't just look at her, I needed to talk to her. Dialed her number and waited to hear her voice.

"Hey this is Violetta! Couldn't get to the phone right now, please leave your name and number and I will get back to you as soon as possible." [Vilu] *Beep sound for voicemail*

I can't believe she ignored my call. She must be really upset, she never even ignored my call when she was fighting with me about her not singing, or when I ignored Roxy's emotions the first time. What can I do to repair or friendship, Violetta. :(

- - - - (VIOLETTA'S POV) - - - -

Dear Diary,

After hearing Leon's voicemail I feel guilty for not answering his call. But how could you, my best friend, convince me to try out for the female lead in the end-of-the-year show then the second some girl who likes you is trying out for the same part you bail on your promise. After all, Yes, Roxy dedicated a song to you but it wasn't written from her, it was MY SONG. I feel upset, angry, helpless, heart-broken......

I wish that I didn't have the feelings that I have towards Leon. I wish that nothing had changed and that these feelings will just vanish. But I am stuck in my own world.

Then these lyrics began to flow right out of me.

🎶 If you want to know, What is going on inside my mind

Well it's time to show,That I'm never gonna give up

And no matter where I go, People see I am one more in the crowd

But inside me I feel stronger, I still be around

And I'm gonna sing In my own world as loud as I can

I'm not gonna stop, I'll keep on trying, I know that I can

Yes and I'll be strong , I am moving on

No ones gonna stop me, No, No one [2X]

I'm gonna sing my song 🎶

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