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- - - - (FEDERICO'S POV) - - - -

School is over and today instead of spending time with my girlfriend I have band practice. It isn't really a loss, but I can't stay away from Violetta. If I am away from her I will miss her too much. Luckily she lives across the street from Leon's garage, after practice I will see her.

Before exiting I noticed Fran and Cami, but no Vilu. It was quite strange because I thought they would all walk with Vilu to her house. As I got closer to talk to them I overheard a little bit of there conversation.

"I still can't believe Vilu still has feelings for Leon." [Cami]

"We don't know that. All we know is that Vilu dreamed of singing a love song with Leon. That's it." [Fran]

"What!?" [Fede]

"Fede?!.." [Fran, Cami]

"Violetta dreamt about Leon?! Tell me the truth." [Fede]

"Yes...she wanted to tell you earlier today.." [Cami]

"But she didn't want to loose you or make this become the end of your relationship." [Fran]

"Right. She wanted to tell you at the perfect moment." [Cami]

I couldn't say anything, I was in complete shock. How am I suppose to feel when I just found out from my girlfriend's best friends that she had a dream about another guy? Instead of saying something that I could regret I kept my silence and left to Leon's.

- - - - (LEON'S POV) - - - -

"Hey Leon!" [Maxi, Broadway, Andres]

"Leon you don't look too good, what's wrong?" [Andres]

"Roxy is mad at me for writing our duet with Violetta." [Leon]

"What?!" [Andres]

"Ohh, you got to be careful, this is a delicate situation." [Maxi]

"I know, but it's not easy when you don't understand everything that is happening." [Leon]

"It's simple. Your girlfriend is jealous of you singing a love song with your supposedly ex-best friend." [Broadway]

"That's the thing. Roxy shouldn't be jealous over Violetta. Today was the first time we talked without fighting." [Leon]

"But you sang a your love song with Violetta when it should have been with Roxy." [Maxi]

"But singing to someone and singing with someone are two different things. What's weird for me is how did Violetta knew the song I was trying to compose before I even finished the song?" [Leon]

"Wait a minute! Violetta helped you finish composing your love duet with Roxy? Boy, you got yourself into a deep mess my friend." [Maxi]

"Thanks for the confidence." [Leon]

Fede enters the room stomping, and immediately wants to start rehearsals.

"A bad day for you too my friend." [Leon]

"I don't feel like talking about it right now." [Fede]

"Alright. Then we should probably start." [Broadway]

Practice goes on for about a half an hour.

"Are you guys hungry? I was going to go get some food." [Maxi]

"Yes!" [Leon, Fede, Broadway, Andres]

"I'll go with you." [Broadway]

"Andres why don't you tag along?" [Maxi]

Maxi, Broadway and Andres goes to get food for everyone while Leon and Fede talk.

"So are you ready to tell me about your problems?" [Leon]

"It's Violetta. I found out through Francesca and Camilla that she had a dream last night about some other guy." [Fede]

"Do you know who this other guy is?" [Leon]

"Uhmm... No. She didn't say who it was." [Fede]

"Wow! That has to be hard for you." [Leon]

"Look it's not about the dream Vilu had, but the fact that she couldn't trust me enough to tell me herself is what makes me angry." [Fede]

"So her dreaming about someone else doesn't affect you what-so-ever?" [Leon]

"Of course that bothers me, but not as much as her lack of trust in me." [Fede]

"I would be thinking about whether or not she has feelings for you." [Leon]

"I have. Then again why should I be worried or feel threatened by this dude who she sang a love song with in her dream. It's not like it happened in reality, no?" [Fede]

"Right..." [Leon]

"I am going to go get some air. Will be back in a little bit." [Fede]

As Fede just leaves Maxi, Broadway, and Andres returns not a moment after.

"Where did Fede go?" [Maxi]

"He went to go get some air." [Leon]

"Did you find out what was wrong with him?" [Andres]

"Apparently Violetta had a dream of her singing a love duet with another guy. He doesn't know who specifically, but I have a feeling it was me." [Leon]

"What makes you say that?" [Maxi]

"The song I was writing for Roxy and I was a song I dreamed about last night. I think Violetta and I could have dreamt the same song." [Leon]

"Then the two of you need to talk, because people say that a dream is a wish your heart makes." [Maxi]

"Did you just quote Disney?" [Leon]

"Leon if you didn't have feelings for Violetta or vice versa, then why did the two of you ended up dreaming about each other?" [Maxi]

"I think what Maxi is trying to say is that you a Vilu need to talk about the two of you." [Broadway]

"Right. After I talk with Roxy." [Leon]

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