The Catch About Friendship

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- - - - (LEON'S POV) - - - -

After class I head on over to the track, needing to clear out my head. It's too much. Violetta maybe lying about her feelings toward me, Violetta lying to Francesca and now everyone exiling her from our friendship circle. If I let her go as my friend too, I am afraid something worse will happen to her. Like she gets with Diego and then he breaks her heart and it would be my fault for letting it happen.

During my practice run on the track I lost focused and forgot to turn. I went off road and tumbled off my bike. My trustee group came after me along with the paramedics. Nothing was broken and my body may feel a bit sore. However explaining to my mechanic, a.k.a my girlfriend, what went wrong will be a different circumstance.

"What happened you broke at the easiest part of the track?" [Lara]

"I got distracted." [Leon]

"Want to talk about it?" [Lara]

"It's just a lot happened within twelve hours." [Leon]

"You can't keep it all bottled up inside. Talk to me." [Lara]

" At the studio my friends, Francesca and Violetta got into a tight scenario that is testing their friendship. Francesca likes this guy named Tomas, she tried tutoring him because evidentially he is bad at playing the piano. Fran was more distracting than helping, she asked Violetta if she could tutor him and she did. During their tutoring session a kiss was about to happen. Violetta pulled away and slapped Tomas. Everyone believes that Tomas's story about Violetta kissing him and the slap was a cover up. On the other hand, I know Violetta is not capable for betraying any of her friends. If anything she would try to protect them." [Leon]

"Wow. That must be a tough position. Everyone wondering if you will stick by your friends or by a friend. You can't really blame Francesca, any news like that will make me angry too. I don't know if trusting someone new because you have a crush on them would be the best option. Violetta might be the one telling the truth. It depends on your instincts." [Lara]

"My instincts is split in two. One part says that Tomas is right, the other says that Violetta is right." [Leon]

"Let's look at it from a different perspective. Has Violetta ever lied to you?" [Lara]

"She withhold the truth from me." [Leon]

"Either she told you the truth or lied. Withholding the truth is close enough to lying." [Lara]

I didn't want to believe that Violetta could do such a horrible thing to her best friend. Talking with Lara she gives me a point that no one has marked, Violetta has kind of lied but for the right reasons. Not wanting to hurt me and to save herself from torcher. As I looked at her in class, my heart was saying why would she be upset about something she supposedly done. Either she is sorry for what she did or she is sad that her own friends don't even trust her to tell the truth.

- - - - (VIOLETTA'S POV) - - - -

After school I attempted to go to my locker, feared to see my ex-best friends. To think they were not going to be there was a mistake. I turned the corner and see both Camilla and Francesca talking among themselves. The second they could feel my presence they turned at me, both giving me a death stare. I didn't like the way the looked at me, or how they perceived my entire character as malicious over a single incident.

My thought of going to my locker while they stare at me was something I can't handle. I got out of that atmosphere as quickly as possible. Doing so I didn't realize Diego chasing my tail.

"Violetta!" [Diego]

I slowly turned around, I didn't have time to hear his concerns or casual remarks he claims to be humorous.

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