Double Date Gone Wrong

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- - - - (VIOLETTA'S POV) - - - -

Diego calls me around 10 p.m. Tomorrow classes at the studio return and I have to get up early. Diego is still in Madrid from what I hear and he will be back in Buenos Aires tomorrow. I missed him so much. The holidays would have been more special with him by my side, but I am glad he was able to be with his mom.

"Hello my love. How is everything?" [Diego]

"Other than you're impeccable timing, I am really missing you. I can't stand having to spend one more day apart from you." [Violetta]

"I know, my flight got delayed which means more time I will be away from you. One way or another I am going to get back to you." [Diego]

"I know, but being at the studio without you is going to be a bit more difficult." [Violetta]

"Whenever you want me near, just imagine being inside my arms. Or better yet imagine me singing to you." [Diego]

"Speaking of you singing. Do you think you can sing me something? I miss listening to you, and technically I am suppose to be in bed." [Violetta]

"Yes my love, I do anything for you." [Diego]

I laid back down in bed adjusting my computer's camera onto me. I then see him get his guitar and hear him play Be Mine. He did a smooth jazz rendition which made me smile to sleep.

The next morning I was a bit sluggish. Without Diego it is like my light dims due to a grey cloud hovering over me. All I wanted was to be left alone, but Fran and Cami couldn't let that happen.

"Vilu! How was your winter break?" [Fran]

"It was fine, I couldn't spend it with Diego because he went to visit his mom in Madrid. We did talk on the phone and on video chat. My dad and I were able to spend some time together as well as with Angie and my grandma." [Vilu]

I was debating with myself if I should tell them about Christmas Eve and how Leon and I were caught underneath the mistletoe.

"I also talked to Leon over the break." [Vilu]

I couldn't hold in the truth from them, they are my best friends. They have every right to know.

"What?!" [Fran]

"SPILL." [Cami]

"My dad invited his family over for Christmas Eve dinner instead of his typical party. I'd agreed thinking Leon would of had plans with Lara. Apparently Lara had went on a family trip. Everything was going alright, until the end of the night. We were caught underneath the mistletoe." [Vilu]

"Shut. Up." [Cami]

"Please tell me you two kissed." [Fran]

"He kissed me. On the cheek. But in that moment I wanted him to kiss me. Does it sound wrong for me to say this? I am with Diego and Diego makes me happy. Leon is with Lara and he seems to be happy with her. If Leon wanted to kiss me he would, then again my dad was starring at us which was already awkward enough. I don't know, it's just that when I think I am losing my feelings for Leon day by day something like this happens. It pulls me back to still loving Leon." [Vilu]

"You two are destined." [Fran]

"I agree with Fran. I am sure you were not the only one wanting to recreate that kiss that you two shared at last year's showcase." [Cami]

"Do you plan on telling Diego?" [Fran]

"Nothing really happened. But if I want to make things work then I will have to tell him the truth. It's not like he should get angry or anything. We didn't do anything that is considered "cheating"." [Vilu]


I got a call from Diego right after school saying that he is finally back in Buenos Aires and wants to do something for the night. I told him about the new movie I wanted to go see really bad, Beauty and the Beast. The remade it with live people and Belle is my favorite Disney princess.

Diego hesitated to say yes, but he really wanted to see me. It's not like he had any other suggestions. He picked me up at my house and we head to the theater. We got our tickets, I went to find seats in the theater while Diego went and got snacks for the both of us.

What surprised me the most was seeing Lara.

"Lara, what a surprise to see you here?" [Vilu]

"Hey Violetta. Leon and I came because I just got back from my grandpa's house and we wanted to see each other. Who are you here with?" [Lara]

"Diego just came back from Madrid. We wanted to spend the night together since we haven't seen each other since winter break started." [Vilu]

I took a seat a few down from Lara, keeping distance between the two of us. I thought coming to the theaters with Diego watching a movie that I know I am going to love will have solved all my uncertainties. Knowing that Leon is here with Lara, things have just gotten more complicated.

Diego gets back with our snack first and the  shortly came Leon. When he spotted us the round went twirling in a major spin.

- - - - (LEON'S POV) - - - -

I left Lara to find a seat while I go get snacks for the both of us. While waiting on my order and few registers down I see someone that looks a lot like Diego. Sure enough we finish roughly the same time and I short of stalked him into the same theater I was going into. I spot Lara up in the top row and a few seats down I see Diego and Violetta.

"Leon. Is that you?" [Diego]

"Hey, what a coincidence that we will be here at the same night with our girlfriends." [Leon]

"Right." [Diego]

The movie was starting and everyone goes quiet. Throughout the film I couldn't help but to glance every now and then to see Violetta and Diego. Wanting to make sure that she was alright, or to see if she was having a great time. 

All I saw was her smiling in Diego's arms, or her and Diego hand wrestling in the bucket of popcorn.  It just made me mad knowing that she is still with him. I don't know why whenever I see them together I have a problem. If I had feelings for Violetta I wouldn't have gone out with Lara in the first  place. I didn't actually know my feelings for Violetta were anything stronger than friends.

It's just that now it's took late, I am with Lara and she is with Diego. She seems happy and being with Lara is not a bad relationship. I remain to watch the movie as Lara cuddles into my arms without having to be bothered by Violetta's date. Of course that is what I keep telling myself. I here the slightest giggle from her and I turn into their direction. Diego is either constantly kissing her cheek or neck making her quiver.

All I kept thinking was the night Violetta and I were underneath that mistletoe. I didn't bother to tell Lara because she gets extremely jealous or upset every time I tell her about Violetta for some reason. If she found out that I simply got stuck underneath the mistletoe she is will explode. I know it was just a simple kiss on the cheek, harmless really. But I know Lara, it will kill her inside and I don't plan on breaking her heart.

However there was a moment where I feel Violetta starring at us, and in that moment I turned to confirm my instincts we were caught in a starring contest. I can see that she didn't like the sight of Lara in my arms, just like I couldn't stand seeing her in Diego's. I would love the idea for her to imagine herself in my arms, but I am unsure if that is what she even wants. Just like that night under the mistletoe, did she wanted a simple peck on the cheek? Or a passionate kiss like we once shared on stage at last year's show? I guess we may never know.

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Author's Note: Excuse this chapter being a bit bland, this was a last minute idea, but I have been thinking for days of new chapters to write for this story. The next chapter will be surrounded by a U-Mix project. I need your help in deciding which to choose.

1) Live Web Show

2) A Mini Reality Series

3) First Music Video

Vote for ONE of the three in the comments below. Thank you. Don't forget to vote.

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