There Goes My Best Friend

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- - - - (LEON'S POV) - - - -

During lunch I've decided to sit in Pablo's classroom to rethink of my situation with Violetta.

*(In Leon's head)*

"I said I was sorry." [Leon]

"Well maybe sorry is not good enough this time." [Violetta]

"What is that suppose to mean?" [Leon]

"Maybe you and I shouldn't be friends anymore." [Violetta]

-  -  -  -  -  -

Pablo was in his office and when he came out he came and disrupt my time of loneliness and sulking.

"Leon? Why are you here and not in the cafeteria?" [Pablo]

"I am too dedicated to music." [Leon]

"More like isolating yourself into music. Music is a great way to escape life's challenging situations." [Pablo]

"And a great way to possibly hide....*Sighs*...Violetta is my best friend and right now we are not on great terms. I have made a promise to her, but now that things have changed and I kind of broke that promise. Now she doesn't even want to be near me, let alone be my friend." [Leon]

"Well what has changed to make you break your promise to her?" [Pablo]

"Love." [Leon]

"Love can make a person do things that he or she may regret. Love makes people do strange things, but your feelings should never come between your friendships." [Pablo]

"That's the message that I tried telling her, but she doesn't want to see things from my point of view." [Leon]

"But it was you to let your emotions get in between your friendship with Violetta." [Pablo]

"How could that be?" [Leon]

"You were the one to make a promise to Violetta, yet you were the one to also break that promise. Your reasoning was because y0u started to like someone." [Pablo]

"I see the point. It's just too late, she already told me that being friends is not what she wants. I think I've just lost my best friend." [Leon]

"Try talking to her with this new perspective. I am sure she will be reasonable once she has time to rethink of the matter." [Pablo]

"No. Once Vilu has made up her mind on something there is no way of convincing her otherwise. She is very proud with her decision making." [Leon]

"Friendships are very difficult to maintain in middle school. You tend to change with how you feel, your interests, and goals you set for your selves in life. Now you just have to accept that even though you have gained love, you've also lost a friend." [Pablo]

"I don't want to accept that. Violetta and I are suppose to be best friends forever." [Leon]

"You said that you won't be friends when the two of you begin high school. This may only be temporary, until that time comes you just need to accept your reality to what it is now." [Pablo]

"Thanks Pablo. Talking to your really did help a lot." [Leon]

"You're welcome. I have to get to the teacher's lounge for my lunch, but you are more then welcomed to stay until lunch is over." [Pablo]

Pablo left the room and just as he did I grew an urge to play a melody and lyrics that were floating through my head.

🎶 Friends till the end

Never break, never bend

Friends, understand

Make you smile, hold your hand

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