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Into the night I was so anxious, Pablo had aware everyone who auditioned that there will be an email sent later tonight for the results of the auditions. All roles will be filled including understudy roles, I just hope that the girls and I have a spot.

During dinner I was oblivious to the conversation and shaking my legs like leaves on a tree. My mother caught my anxiousness.

"Violetta dear, is everything alright?" [Mrs. Castillo]

"What?" [Vilu]

"Your mother was asking you if you are alright." [Mr. Castillo]

"Why would there be something wrong?" [Vilu]

"You haven't touched your food at all since you've sat down and your mind seems to be somewhere else. And not to mention your legs are creating a mini-earthquake among the dinning room table." [Mrs. Castillo]

"Sorry...I am really nervous. Today were the auditions for the end-of-the-year show and tonight there is suppose to be an email everyone will receive for the results of our auditions. I am just hoping the girls and I did an amazing job and got the role we wanted." [Vilu]

"What audition?" [Mr. Castillo]

"For the end-of-the-year show. I told you and mom the other day." [Vilu]

"I didn't know you were interested in music." [Mr. Castillo]

"Neither did I until I heard she and her girl friends were going to audition for this show at her school." [Mrs. Castillo]

"After dinner do you think you could sing something for your mother and I?" [Mr. Castillo]

"Yes, and maybe it will ease your nerves." [Mrs. Castillo]

"Alright, I have composed some songs if you want to her them." [Vilu]

"Perfect! Olga we will have dessert in the living by the piano." [Mrs. Castillo]

"Of course, I will get on it." [Olga]

Everyone moved into the living; I sat at the piano, my mother and father stood at the ends of the piano staring at me, Ramallo sat at the end of the couch and Olga was sitting nearly on Ramallo.

"This song is titled In my own World." [Vilu]

🎶 If you want to know, What is going on inside my mind

Well it's time to show, That I'm never gonna give up

And no matter where I go, People see I'm one more in the crowd

But inside me I feel stronger I still be around

And I'm gonna sing in my own world, as loud as I can

I'm not gonna stop, I'll keep on trying I know that I can

Yes and I will be strong, I am moving on

No ones gonna stop me, no one, no one

Yes and I will be strong, I am moving on

No ones gonna stop me, I 'm gonna sing my song 🎶 [Vilu]

"That was amazing mi hija!" [Mrs. Castillo]

"You definitely got that talent from your mother." [Mr. Castillo]

"I do don't I." [Vilu]

I got a text message from Fran and she said that the email got sent. I immediately rushed upstairs.

"Where are you going?" [Mr. Castillo]

"The email...I need to check it!" [Vilu]

Went directly to my laptop, typed in my password, hit the internet icon, went into my email, clicked the newest one and hit the file attachment.

Went down the list...

Female Lead: Roxy

Female Understudy: Ludmilla

Male Lead: Leon

Male Understudy: Federico

BoyBand: Leon, Federico, Maxi, Broadway, Andres

GirlBand: Francesca, Camilla, Violetta

"We're in....We're in.....WE'RE IN!!!!" [Vilu]

I was screaming and dancing in my bedroom for a good ten minutes, called Fran and Cami afterwards and we talked until midnight.

- - - - (LEON'S POV) - - - -

Later that night I was reading Oliver Twist in my bedroom until I got a call from Roxy.

"Hi." [Leon]

"Were you sleeping? Did I wake you?" [Roxy]

"No, your call had surprised me." [Leon]

"Why would me calling you be a surprise?" [Roxy]

"It's not bad, I am just saying that I was not expecting a call at this time from you. I thought you might be out shopping a new outfit for our date tomorrow night." [Leon]

"Oh, well then in that case...SURPRISE!" [Roxy]

"So what do I get the pleasure of hearing your beautiful voice?" [Leon]

"I am just really nervous about the auditions today and I needed to hear your voice. You make me calm." [Roxy]

"Well I am glad I am able to comfort you. But you don't have to worry, there is no doubt that you will be the lead role. Your performance was incredible. If Pablo doesn't see that then he will be making a mistake." [Leon]

"See. I knew you were the one to call." [Roxy]

"I am here for you, whenever you need me." [Leon]

"It's so wonderful to hear you say that. Are you nervous about the results of the auditions?" [Roxy]

"No, I am confident that I will get the role that I deserve based on my work and performance." [Leon]

"I wish I could have your confidence." [Roxy]

"You do, you need to just embrace your confidence from within." [Leon]

"And you're the one that helps me embrace it. Your always going to be there for me, right?" [Roxy]

"Of course." [Leon]

"Well I need to go, my parents are waiting on me for dinner. See you tomorrow Leon." [Roxy]

"I have a goodnight Roxy." [Leon]

"You too. Bye." [Roxy]

"Bye." [Leon]

Talking to Roxy felt great, knowing that there is someone who needs me. As the sun kept descending and the moon was rising I went to close my blinds. I took a little detour to see if there was an update in my inbox. I got the email...The band is in and I have the lead role too! What else could make this night any better?

I was getting ready to close my shades until I looked across the way. Vilu was dancing, screaming, acting kind like her goofy self. She is clearly excited about the results of her audition. I asked myself again, What else could make this night any better? Talking to Violetta....

Right From The Start {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now