A Winning Miss

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- - - - (VIOLETTA'S POV) - - - -

Francesca & Tomas, Camilla & Broadway, Maxi, Andres, and I are behind the gates of the track watching the race. Leon was flying by in first place the entire time. By the eighth lap, everyone knew who won.

While the race was done Leon's excitement was no surprise, however the kiss was. After talking with him last night, I can't help but feel hurt. I thought last night he would have given me a clue that he was beginning to have a change of feelings for me. Instead it was the total opposite.

The jumbo screen captured every moment. From when he was parking his bike at his team's pit stop to when he grabbed Lara's waist and kisses her. I couldn't look for more than one second into their kiss.

This really shouldn't be bothering, but now everything has changed. I can no longer say that I am with someone who makes me happy, because I am not.


"Good morning my love." [Vilu]

"Violetta I need to talk to you." [Diego]

"You sound serious. Is everything ok?" [Vilu]

"No. I need to know the truth. Are you still in love with Leon?" [Diego]

"Diego we have gone through this several times." [Vilu]

"And it's always the same with you. You need time to forget about him and that being with me each day is another day you slowly forget about him. I am not sure I buy it anymore." [Diego]

"Where is this coming from?! First you asked me out knowing how I felt about someone else! Now you are saying you can't take it anymore!" [Vilu]

"Because I am no longer convinced that you started to forget about Leon." [Diego]

"What makes you think otherwise? You can't trust me anymore?" [Vilu]

"Not when everyone in the studio besides me has seen the video! I am becoming the fool here in this relationship!" [Diego]

"What video?" [Vilu]

"You didn't see?.. This is the video I am talking about." [Diego]

"Now are you going to deny that you don't feel anything for him?" [Diego]

"Diego being with you has made my feelings change. It's when Leon and I are together I feel something magical between us." [Vilu]

"What about you and I?" [Diego]

"I feel protected, safe, and secured when I am with you." [Vilu]

"But nothing magical." [Diego]

"With you my love grows for you, but with Leon it... it..." [Vilu]

"It comes naturally. Violetta I care about you a lot. I can't continue being your second choice, I think what is best for both of us to break up." [Diego]

"I understand. Through everything I really did make an effort in our relationship and that hurting you was the last thing I ever wanted." [Vilu]

"I know." [Diego]


That happen right before I came here. Diego is right I can't deny my feelings for Leon or I will just keep getting hurt.

Francesca noticed I was sulking.

"Everything ok?" [Fran]

I just shook my head from side to side.

Right From The Start {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now