To Leave Or To Love

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- - - - (VIOLETTA'S POV) - - - -

Dear Diary,

I know deep down in my heart that I still have feelings for Leon and to get over these feelings I need time. With Federico, he makes me forget about Leon whenever he is by my side. At times I feel like he can't forget about Leon and I, which makes it seem like forgetting Leon is impossible. I wish love was simple; if two people like one another they should be together. I just wish that the one I love could choose me too. Unfortunately we can't get everything we want from life, it hurts me to know how Fede feels like he is my second choice. How can my love for Federico grow, and my love for Leon dwindle?

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Someone knocks on my bedroom door. At first I didn't want to be bothered, but I have to face my problems eventually. Let it be sooner than later.

"Come in." [Vilu]

It's Federico. Alright, let's be civil.

"Fede. I thought you were my dad." [Vilu]

"Oh..." [Fede]

Way to go Vilu, making him think that you were not worried about him at all.

"I thought you wouldn't want to see me after everything that has happened. I just want you to know that it was so silly dream, and it doesn't have to get in between our relationship." [Vilu]

Okay, that was better.

"I know I shouldn't be jealous of Leon when all you did was have one dream. But was it only a dream? I mean it's not like Leon knows that you dreamt that song or anything." [Fede]

"Of course not." [Vilu]

Fede's facial reaction was not the one I was expecting.

"Why do you continue to lie?" [Fede]

"I am not lying!" [Vilu]

"Yes! Leon told everyone today about your magical singing moment the two of you shared during lunch today." [Fede]

"I didn't want you to get angry or even more jealous." [Vilu]

"Violetta I know that you have feelings for Leon, it's not a secret that you need to hide from me. What makes me angry is the fact that you don't trust me enough to tell me these things." [Fede]

"I feel that every time I bring up his name you get... you get..." [Vilu]

"Get like what?" [Fede]

"I feel that every time I bring up his name I somehow break your heart." [Vilu]

"But Vilu you need to give me some credit. I knew that you had feelings for Leon before we started dating. That didn't seem to push me away from chasing what I want. And I know that these feelings you have are not going to vanish within one day, but I want to be the person that can make you forget about this love. I want you to be able to have a love that is real and that brings you joy. Who can protect you, care for you, surprise you, and be the shoulder you can cry on. I can't be that person if you don't let me." [Fede]

WOW! I don't know what to say...

"You're right. I am going to tell you everything, starting now.... Today during lunch Leon and I did sing together. I found him composing the song that I dreamt and he couldn't figure out a verse. I was only looking for more music sheets and when he was having a hard time I jumped in and helped him finish the lyrics. Before we could even say a word to one another Roxy entered the room. When I was singing with Leon did I feel something magical or romantic, yes. However, Roxy brought me back to reality and made me realize that my feelings are different from Leon's. That we won't be together because he is with Roxy and that I am with you. Leon believes that the song is meant to be for him and Roxy. They plan on singing it in the show." [Vilu]

Right From The Start {Book 1}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt