Chapter 19

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Two months...of Jasper. I stayed out of her way, and she stayed out of mine. I need a scapegoat. I can still hear the Authority's words in my mind.

"Do not fail me,"Blue Diamond said,"You're past failures have been overlooked for now."

"Yes,your Diamond is right,"White Diamond said,"You were intrusted to help her slow down the rebellion and possibly stop them. That peridot..which one was it...You grew attached to them.If they were working for the rebellion, what would have happened?"

"I ordered them to disperse that little rumor of a traitor among those insolent traitors to help you maintain your cover," Yellow Diamond stated,"Not to mention help relay information for us."

"That mirror served as your punishment. Though you were in it longer than intended, I will apologize for that, but a punishment nonetheless. We will not have a repeat of poor performance, do we make ourselves clear,"White Diamond commanded.

I shivered at the thought of being back in that mirror.I planned everything in my head, get to the Crystal Gems, capture the traitors, convince Steven to come with us. He didn't have to be lied to by these traitors. Hopefully that will work. I walked into the main control room, only to see that two months passed by so quickly.

"So where exactly is their base,"Jasper inquired.
Peridot pulled up a hologram of Earth. I noticed the missing chunk of land on a landmass.
"How much did I miss,"I asked myself.
"Who knows,"Jasper answered. "I just have a job to do, and a few gems on my shitlist."

"Well, their base is on the side of a cliff, that has this...this massive gem carved on the side, on the coast, near the ocean."

"Well...that narrow it down."Peridot replied, with a hint of sarcasm. "Let's see...Recent warp pad activity....find the focal point and then triangulate the signal....There. Coordinates set and locked. We shall arrive in a approximately 3 days.

Three days....Well time to throw what little sympathy I have together.

"Hey Jasper..I have an idea."

"What squirt,"she said.

"There is this...gem, that helped me get off that miserable rock. I think if we play him, we might get to the gems on your...'shit list.'"

"I'm listening..."

"Well, I sort made a 'friend' while on Earth and he's friends with the remaining Rebels. And get this, I saw Rose Quartz's shield. "I said.
"Rose Quartz...I fought her and her army. We were under the same diamond, until she shattered her," Jasper said.

"Well, when we take their base and check in whatever it is Peridot is mumbling about you can make them suffer. But we'll need a plan."

"You sneaky gem....I can respect that. So, what's the plan, lazuli."

"Well, the friend in question, I already sung my sad song for him...I need you to be rough with me an--"

"Atleast let me romance you first,"Jasper joked.

"Oh, ha ha. Get your mind out of the gutter. I need you to 'force' me to cooperate with you and the peridot. "

"So what, so that they would comply...?"

"Yes.That way you get Rose Quartz,and Homeworld get Earth. It's a win-win."

We shook on it. I'm getting better at this. I don't care if Jasper gets Rose. I just want to go back to Homeworld. And from what I hear, this Jasper has some vanity issues.

"And when we get back on the ship, put me in a cell, that way it seems like I'm a prisoner."

"No wonder Blue Diamond chose're a fast learner. Should we let the Peridot in on this?"
"No....well....let her in on it after we get the traitors on board."

I smiled.This is going to be a performance of a lifetime.

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