Chapter 2

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I fly over the land I see mostly trees. I landed near a small body of water to rest. How am I going to do this? I don't know much about these Crystal Gems. Other than they are a bunch of gems who forgot their place.Not to mention, I know nothing about this stupid planet. The very least they could have done was give me a map or something for a guide. Maybe if I can get to one of the kindergartens maybe I can get some advice from a more experienced gem. Scratch that. This is a secret mission. The last this I need is for the rebellion to catch wind of me.

Okay, I know I can do this let me think....

"Okay so I know that...ruby and Sapphire most likely went to the rebels, seeing how their fugitives.And one of them might recognize me. So I have to find a gem in the rebellion that won't recognize me. But who?" I said to myself.

It took me a while to come up with a game plan. All I needed as an opening. I have watched enough gems practice combat.

A gem was nice enough to give me pointers, thanks to her , I might actually succeed.

1) Be ready to flip the script if necessary. There will be moments where I have to go from playing the victim to being ruthless.

2) Always stay on your toes. I will not always have a chance to make up a new plan.

3) Maintain my cover. If anyone suspect anything, I could be found out.

4) Learn to adapt. This goes back to #1. I can't go back and think of a new plan if the original one fails.

I must remember those four things if I am to complete my mission.


I found a small group of gems. It looked like some sort of jaspers and an amethyst

"Excuse me," I called out to them

They turned to look in my direction. I quickly remove the one thing that gives out my alliance. If I wanted them to trust me, I need to look the part.

"Why is a lazuli all the way out here,"the amethyst asked.

She towered over me.
"Well, maybe she's lost."said one of the jaspers. "Who were you with?From what Rose told us, lapis lazulis are normally on Homeworld in the courts."

I started to freak out a bit. I forgot lazulis rarely come out in the field other than to compile a report. Then I remembered, play the victim.

" ran away. I was nothing more than a...I's hard to explain."

"Say no more. The pearl that is constantly with Rose used to belong to a Diamond, she didn't say which one though."said the amethyst.

"I'm Bigg, that's Amethyst over there and that's Agate. Come on we'll show you to camp."

They seemed nice...if not a little stupid. Any amethyst should know, always be on your guard. I followed them to a small encampment. There were hundreds of gems. I never seen so many gems that shouldn't even have contact with each other.

"...Another kindergarten.In the desert this time. Me and Snowy are going on a recon."

Okay, so there is another kindergarten. Keep that in mind, Lapis. As we get further into the encampment, I can feel all eyes on me. Most of these gems probably never even seen a lapis before.I hugged myself to make it look like I was nervous and scared. I looked around, trying to at the very least to look curious. The huge gems in front of me stopped and I purposely bumped into the bulky amethyst. I peek around them to see a bismuth. What are they doing with a bismuth?

"Hey Biggy, have you seen Jade, I ...."she said.

Jade? She does know there are other jades. What is her facet? Her cut?

"Hello, little blue, you in there,"said the bismuth.

I was pulled out of thought by this.
"Oh, I'm, I'm sorry, I was just confused,"I said." I never heard a gem being called without the facet or cut. It's pretty new..t-to me that is."

It was half true.

"What kind of gem are you anyway?"

"I-I'm a lapis lazuli."

"A lapis? really must be lost."the bismuth said laughing.

I puffed my cheeks blushing. Not because it was true, but how she it. I going to have to avoid this bismuth if I want to succeed.

"So, why is a lapis lazuli all the way out here? I mean, aren't they normally with an escort or somethin'?"

Shoot...what did I tell the others? How did I forget my lie that quickly. I know for a fact that I had a nervous look on my face.

"She ranaway, Bismuth,"said the biggs jasper.

"Oh,"Bismuth said,"I'm sorry. I can get carried away sometimes. We all have our reasons of being here. Shoot just the other day, we got a new gem. She calls herself Garnet. "

"A new gem?" I can guess it was the fugitives.

"Yeah, a fusion. Kind of all mashed up, but hey she's got spunk. Well, I need to finish this axe for Jade. See ya. And hopefully we'll be doing some bismuth together."

I gave her a small smile. That joke was terrible so this is the camp. By the looks of it, it was temporary. But they are here..somewhere. I guess I should make myself useful.

"What now? I mean, do I talk to the leader or do you put me to work.," I said.

"Well,"the jasper started,"We'd send you to Rose and she'll find you a job, but she's out with the new gem and Pearl. They are doing something. I think it's something about fusion. I don't know. They're only doing small groups at a time. So for now, you can hang with us."

Okay, so they are doing something with fusion. Most likely between different gems. Now I wait to meet the leader of this rebellion. This mission might not take as long as I thought.

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