Chapter 4

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As I am walking with 5D9P, I realize I have no way of contacting my diamond. I could use a wailing stone, but I'm sure only the leader has access to it. Maybe the...fusion is the best way to it.

What seemed like day, we come to rest. The 5D9P has been looking at samples.

"So what exactly does this quartazine look like,"I asked.

5D9P looked at me and said,"Quartizine is actually a cluster of quartz. It is a common mineral in this area. It's common name is quartzite."

"Well, what does quartzite look like," I am getting annoyed.

"Silicified sandstone, as in sarsen stones."

Now I'm confused. Back on Homeworld I would never be taking orders from a peridot, let alone help one. I don't even know half of what she or any of the other peridots are saying.

5D9P sighed and said," There aren't any in this area. There must be a substitute for it..."

And she's droning again.I hear footsteps. I fly up to see Homeworld gems. I lower myself to try to hide in the tree branches. 5D9P is still looking at the minerals. I groaned and swooped down and grabbed her. The last thing I need is for my cover to be blown.

"Unhand me this instant. This is most unca-"
I covered her mouth. 5D9P glared at me and looked down. The gems walked by. They looked like jaspers, it was hard to tell from where we were at. If I moved, they might hear me,or worse see us. If we stay put we would be caught.

"We need to get back to camp and tell the others." she whispered.
Carefully I got a little above the treetops to maneuver better. As soon as i was high enough, I took off.

We manage to get back to camp, but I fear I may have gotten us caught. I landed outside of the camp. We were greeted by the fusion.

"5D9P, you're back early...what happened."she asked.

"Permafusion Garnet, the lapis and I were to collect quartizine for the bismuth, however, there were some unforeseen obstacles. For example, the mineral in question was not in the location you said. I fear it may have been extracted by the Homeworld soldiers seen by Lazuli.,"5D9P said.

"This far out...,"Garnet said."5D9P, I want you and the other peridots to get ready to be moved along with the other non-fighters. Lapis...thank you."
Why was she thanking me? I didn't do anything be brought her back. I nodded and went with the peridots to be moved. The last peridot must have reformed while we were away.

4L8Q was moving maps and other equipment. I was impressed that a gem as small as she was able lift that much. I move to help move useful objects like a bunch of spears. Do they do this often? I saw an opening and slipped away. I prayed that Blue Diamond was still in the Sky Arena.


When I arrived most of the place was abandoned. Instead of seeing a place of culture, all I saw was war. Yellow Diamond's emblem flew high.
"Who are you,"asked a pearl.

"I am Lapis Lazuli. I came to report-- I mean deliver a message to my Diamond...Blue Diamond. Where is she?."I said.
"She's been moved. It was not safe for her or her court to stay in the same place after an attack. But, I am Citrine 5L4X 2X0, maybe I can pass it along." said the gem.

"I'm sorr, but I was told to speak only to her. If you can give me her location.I cou-"
"I can't do that. But if you must deliver a message the next Wailing Stone is to be here in a few days."

"No, I have to go...Just tell her that lapis lazuli facet 6 is progressing."
At that I flew off. I had to get back before I was missed. If Garnet is that sapphire and ruby fusion, there is a chance I could get caught if I am not careful.

When I arrived most of the camp was packed up and moved. I waited until two gems passed in front of me. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see it was Bismuth.

"What are you doing here,"Bismuth said.

It's over...

"All the other non-fighters have been moved."
"Oh,I..uh..wanted to speak to Garnet.I needed to ask her something, "I said.

'That was too close for comfort.' I thought

"Well, you'll have to do it later. A small battalion of gems are closing in and you have to go."
Bismuth pushed me towards that last batch of evacuees. We were warped to the next site for camp. A gem put me to work,scouting for any humans.

But...what is a human?

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