Chapter 3

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I wandered away from my guides.Well, actually more like I slowed my walking pace to put some distance between us. I needed to find out who this Rose is. She seemed important. Maybe she was the rebellion leader's second in command. And this pearl. Did she really abandon her diamond?

I bumped into someone.
"Sorry about that, "I said.

"It's fine,"She said. The pearl...."I never seen you before. Are you new?"

"Yes....sort of. Can you help me,I sort got separated from my guide?"
The pearl looked at me like she knew the truth,"What do you mean 'separated from your guide.'?"

I back away slightly to make it look like I was scared." I just mean, I was lost before, and then these nice gems found me. They brought me here and was showing me around. I couldn't keep up with them because I'm smaller than them."

"Oh...I'm sorry. I've been on edge as of late. I'm Pearl."

"Pearl...what?"I said.

"I'm sorry?"

"Oh, right sorry. I'm still getting used to the idea of not naming your facet and cut. I'm Lapis Lazuli, or just Lapis."

Pearl smiled at me and guided me through the throng of gems. There were so many. I starting to regret entering the camp, but there is not going back now. Pearl walked me over to a large pink haired gem. As we got closer. I saw it was the gem that took on Blue Diamond's soldiers. I saw her gem, it's a little dark to be a common quartz gem...

"Why, hello there. Who might you be?"the gem asked.

"This is Lapis Lazuli. She said she came in with a group of gems and got separated from them. And before that she was lost."Pearl said for me.

I smiled sheepishly. I really need to start speaking for myself if I want to succeed.
"What is a lapis doing by herself? Aren't they normally with diamonds on Homeworld? Let alone by themselves,"Pearl said.
I admit that does sound a bit..odd, but my lie still stands. "I ran away," I said in a small voice.

"I'm sorry, dear.Did you say something." the pink gem asked.

"I said I ran away,"I said louder." Lapis lazulis are nothing but teachers back home. I was tired of being looked down on whenever I mess up. All I ever did was teach new gems history or ran messages that didn't require a Wailing Stone. I never intended on losing my escort, or coming here. It just happened...."
"I'm sorry to hear that dear. Many of us here are lost gems, but they were found. Welcome to Earth...I'm Rose Quartz."

There is no way this gem is a quartz., let alone a rose quartz. She's way bigger than a common quartz soldier. Maybe she's the second in command.

"I can pair you with one of the peridots we have available, for now atleast. She needs help with the light cannons and still needs a few materials. Pearl will take you to her. "
Pearl walked me over to a very warm place. I saw the bismuth from early and groaned inwardly. I thought I wouldn't have to see for while. She walk me over to a group of three peridots. the only way to tell them apart was by their hair.

"Lapis, this 3X5, 5D9P, and XL7

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"Lapis, this 3X5, 5D9P, and XL7.Assuming that 4L8Q is still reforming."Pearl

"Yes, she is," one said.

"A lapis... quite uncommon, "said. another.
"She's quite small," said XL7..I think.

"She will be helping you. "Pearl said.

All three peridots sighed.

"Fine."said XL7

"We require a material called quartizine,"said 3X5

"I shall accompany you. That way, we will retrieve the correct material,"Said 5D9P

These peridots are very odd. Not only did they go by either their facet or cut, their speech patterns are in turns. Like they are the same gem. It's a little odd considering everyone else goes by their gem. Not to mention what the pearl told me.

"They rarely socialize outside of their group,"she said,

"What do you mean,"I asked.

"Well, when they first joined the ranks they always whispered to each other.Never looked anyone in the eye. They were quiet. After a while they would stay together and speak with other gems. They keep to themselves and whatever project they were to work on back on Homeworld. 4L8Q got hurt working in Kindergarten, trying to hack a project of some sort. They won't talk about it.

"Oh, " was all I said.

Okay so I met with the possible second in command and they have four peridots. Working on some project in the Kindergarten. Is it for Homeworld or the rebels though....

The peridot are based off the Stepford Cuckoos from the X-Men comics. I thought it would be a nice easter egg for anyone who was fan. Also I made up their facet/ cut so they can be a little more out there. Thank you for the picture.

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