Chapter 12

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How long have I've been in this mirror? I don't know why I keep asking myself that question. It could have been centuries for all I know.

Huh? A base....made from wood.

"This is a gem powered mirror.Here let me show you how it works...Show us the Galaxy Warp,"a voice said.

Is that...Pearl...After all these years? You choose now all of a sudden to...

She repeated what she said.

"It must be broken after all these years."Pearl said.

"It's still pretty cool,"another voice said." I can keep it right?"

I has handed to the human. He ran to other structures along the beach. He seems like a pretty nice kid. He bumps into two other humans.
"Watch it..Steven,"the tall one said.

What is...a Steven?

The girl says she hopes to find a new friend. The boy agrees with her saying he hopes to make a new "beach summer fun buddy". How long was I gone. Is the war over? Did Homeworld win or lose?

The boy is walking backwards.He is laughing. He seems sweet. I noticed a large contraption moving behind him...It's going to hit him!
"Watch out....Steven,"I repeated.


The contraption stops. The boy calms down..a little.
" do work.And you can talk?"
We talk for a while. I took memories and created sentences. He is really nice...this...Steven.

"We should go to the gems they would love you,"He said.


Ignoring my protests he takes me back to his...home?I hear two very familiar voices. The fugitive and the Pearl. I heard another voice, but I didn't recognize it.

"Give us the mirror,"said Garnet.

I replayed the boy's screams.Looping it. All of it confusing the boy.

"Please no.I can't be trapped again."


Steven ran off, mirror in tow. The shock of him defying Garnet. She's scary enough.

"What do you want me to do,"Steven asked,"How can I help?"
It's wants to go free, but how can Steven help. The mirror showed me something. The remove the gem from the mirror. When he begins to pull at the gemstone,he doesn't notice the water around him forms a pattern, and when he finally tugs it out, the mirror breaks. In front of him, the Gem he removed reforms into a , unmoving.

"Thank you... You didn't- You actually talked to me. You helped me! It's Steven, right?"The gem said.

Steven nods.

"I'm Lapis.Lapis Lazuli.Are you really a Crystal Gem,"Lapis asked.


Is this...Is Steven really a Crystal Gem?

"Yeah,"Steven said.

I am shocked and said,"But you freed me."

"But- Wha..."

I here the fusion. The move to attack me and Steven. I feel my rage from being trapped for all those years come up. Steven is trying to stop them, but I know they won't let us leave.

"You..."I said.

They looked at me. I raised the water and turned it into a arm.

"You three knew I was in there, and you didn't do anything. Did you even wonder who I used to be?!" I shouted.

Pearl and the purple gem moved out the way with Steven. I manage to pin the fusion down.

"Steven, Run,"Pearl said.

Steven, confused, said,"What are you doing?"


Steven was even more confused. I parted the ocean, and said,"They aren't going to let us leave."

"Steven , come with me."

"Where?" Steven your making this difficult.


"B-b-but... B-but I... Uh..."

It's obvious he's brainwashed. "Fine."

Garnet escaped from under the water hand I pinned her under.

"Don't trust them, Steven"I said,"Goodbye."

*Gasp* We are now in line with the show. The next chapter is Ocean Gem and after that will be what happened to Lapis when she made it to Homeworld. Okay...Comment....Vote... Do well in school.

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