Chapter 14

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My journey home took a while. I flew until I was in a gem controlled territory. Landing on a planet, I rested for a while. The flora and fauna mixed perfectly with the colony. The colony was thriving.

I feel so out of place. This is nothing I was used to.

"Excuse me," I called out.

Everyone who passed ignored me. I was pushed and bumped into.

"Excuse me," I repeated, this time I was answered.

"Oh, what are you wearing,"the blue gem said.

I was confused. I always wore this.

"It's soooo 3500 years ago."the gem said."Spinel facet 3L2C cut 10L.

"Lapis Lazuli facet 6 "

"Wow...single ID. It's been a while."the spinel said,"I'm guessing you're in Blue Diamond's court. A lot has changed."
"Yes..I know.I world, and then the war broke out. We were all stuck until recently."

"Yeah. A lot of old hubs are outdated, so communication is slow. Half of the new Lazulis are not even allowed to leave their assigned planet unless told otherwise. "

This is news to me. "Why is that?"

"Well...You heard of the rouge Sapphire right,"She paused to get a confirmation from me before continuing,"Well, she ran off with a ruby. She was Blue Diamond's gem. And there's a rumor that she took a lazuli with her."

Spinel was nice enough to show me a Warp Pad Station.

"The center one is for Homeworld. The others lead to Gem controlled planets and territory. "

"Thanks." I said waving her off. I needed to get to the pad, but it was guarded. I guess after everything that happened, security measures are needed. I guess I have to wait. I walked towards a small pavilion with Blue Diamond's symbol on it.

I guess it's a small information hub. I sit down and meditate.

Steven...I have to find a way to repay you. But I took advantage of your kindness. No he helped me. He truly wanted to help me. He fixed my gem. But he sided with those...Crystal Gems. I'm sorry Steven...But they are traitors to Homeworld. They have to... But ...Steven...why did I meet him? Was this what Sapphire was talking about? What events have I sent forth? What happened to the rebels? Did Homeworld lose or win? SO many questions and so little answers.

It must have been a while because a purple gem pulls me back to reality.

"Oh...Sorry. It's just I never seen a lazuli up close before."

"Don't touch me."
"Geez, what is your problem," a red gem asks," She said she's sorry."

"Oh, sorry. It's been awhile since I actually talked to another gem."I apologized. "Who has access to the Galaxy Warp..if you know by chance. Us lazulis don't get out much."

"Could have fooled me," The purple gem mumbled.

"The elite and those with special clearance...Like the peridots."

So I need a peridot." I a message for Peridot....5D9P. I guess she forgot....again. "

"You know a first Era Peridot...Lucky! But she's been transferred back to Homeworld earlier."

"THIS IS JUST GREAT,"I shouted, putting on a show. I left out a frustrated noise.

"I can get in trouble for this, but I can give you temporary access to the Homeworld Warp."


I stepped on the Homeworld Warp and was off. Hopefully I can get to my Diamond without getting caught...


Hey readers,

Sorry it took so long to update. With the upcoming holidays, I will try to update more.


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