Chapter 5

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I was greeted by the peridots

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I was greeted by the peridots.

"The lazuli is ok."the one didn't meet said.

"Oh you must be 4L8Q,"I said.

Great....another one. A dark purple came over to do a headcount.

"Well, you must be the lazuli. Well, I am Idocrase. You are still with the peridots.So start by helping them set up thier little work shop and the come back to me when you're done,"she said.

The peridots seems nice. They are all as tall as me, but are still odd nonetheless. I try small talk but that backfired...

"So, I heard you guys used to work in the Kindergarten....what was that like,"I asked.

"Horrible,"said XL7.

"Exhausting,"3X5 said.

"5D9P was hurt there,"said 4L8Q

"Yes,I reformed at least three times, due to the unruly gems there,"she said.

"But we have our orders."
"Yes, soon they will be complete."

"But it's a matter of time."
"A few hundred years, with current technology."

Wow, in a matter of moments I was forgotten by them. But they were talking about some project. I ignored it, it was probably an old one they left because of the rebellion.

"Lazuli,"said 4L8Q,"We never properly thanked you for protecting our sister."
"Oh, it was nothing really..."I said.

I left them to do whatever it is they normally did. I found Idocrase near some obsidians.

"Awesome,"she said,"Now, until the others arrive you can just relax. Everything else has already been set up. "

I take this opportunity to look for something that can help bring down this rebellion. I found my way to a tent that had a flower of some kind on it. I guess it was the leader's tent. I went inside and everything was still packed. I guess they didn't want someone to sneak in and steal secrets. I went through at least three maps and only one was useful. It showed kindergarten locations. There was at least 3 known locations. One was obsolete. One was destroyed because it was on top of unstable ground. And then there is one out in a valley...or canyon. That must be where that gem was talking about. I found some sort of journal

'I can not express the amount of guilt I have. Lying to everyone I care about. My pearl.It must be done. When I first saw this planet, I saw nothing more than a new colony. Now, I see the real beauty of this planet. The life, if only--'

I hear someone coming so I put everything back as fast I could and hide.

"Well, I think we shouldn't trust her."

"And why not?"
"She literally just showed up. How do you know she's not working for Blue Diamond."
Are they talking about me? I fear my cover has been blown, in my hiding spot I shift a little in case in need to run.

"Idocrase, please. There is no need for mistrust."

"But she wanders off on her own too much."
" I know, but she always come back.She also helps around here. "
"Rose..look. I trust your judgement, but Garnet..."
"Has the gift to see possible futures. She probably wanders off because she's still new."

Okay so they were talking about the fusion. I let out the breath I was holding.
"Alright, I trust you. Also what do you think about the lapis. Bismuth says there's something off about her."

"I'll talk to Bismuth. Now come on, we have to make sure no one is cracked."

I waited a few more minutes to make sure they left. I crawled out the back and grabbed some water. That way if anyone asked where I went I can have an alibi.

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